Not Blessed with the Gift of the Gab? Here are Some Tips to Help You Become a Networking Pro

Posted by David Sessford
Oct 22, 2019
Some of the most successful business people in the world, are actually quite shy. It’s surprising, we know, but it happens! The difficult part of being shy in this world, is without a doubt the networking side of things. It really doesn’t matter what field you’re in – you could be a self employed actor or an entrepreneur starting out on a shipping company – either way, you need to build your contact list, and the only way of doing this is through networking. Although we’re unfortunately not all born with the gift of the gab, there are some handy tips you can use to help you to become a networking pro.


Take an Informal Approach

A lot of networking nerves actually stem from overthinking. People worry that they’ll end up struggling to sell themselves, and therefore that they’ll also struggle to sell their business and ideas too. But have you ever sat back and considered the fact that networking is really just a chat?

That’s right, let that sink in. Networking is literally just a friendly chat – and when you think about it like that, it can seem far less daunting. Taking an informal approach to networking tends to take the awkwardness out of it, for both you and the other person, so you’re doing everyone a favour by thinking about it this way. Of course, informal doesn’t mean unprofessional – you still want to present yourself in the same way that you’d be proud to present your business – but remember you aren’t meeting her majesty the Queen. You’re both just people talking – and you could both benefit from the conversation you’re having, so relax. You’ve got this!


Know What You’re Hope to Achieve

No one approaches someone in a networking circle without a motive, so know what yours is, and what you’re hoping to achieve by having this conversation.

Knowing the motivation and goal behind the conversation you’re about to have will not only ensure that the short time you spend talking together is used effectively, but will also help you in driving the conversation forwards. Of course, you don’t want to be transparent or make the other person feel as if you’re only speaking to them to achieve something, but if you’re not one for awkward chit chat it can be a good way of keeping the conversation flowing. Be polite, chat a little, and keep the goal in mind.


Ask Questions and Listen

We can’t stress enough how important asking questions is when you’re networking.

It not only helps you to get to know the person you’re speaking to, and to understand a little bit more about their personality and what they’re about, but it also makes you seem interested. If there’s anything people tend to enjoy talking about, it’s themselves, so you’ll never be left in awkward silence if you’re the one asking the questions.

Be cautious, however, and don’t allow it to become an interrogation. Let the conversation flow naturally, but remain curious and alert. You’d be surprised how much you could learn in a single conversation when you’re truly listening.


Make Yourself Memorable

Think about it like this. If you’re approaching someone high up in your sector to do some networking and you’re at some sort of business event, how many other like minded people do you think have approached this person too? The answer is a lot.

This is why it’s so important to make yourself memorable. Whether that be by having an interesting perspective on things you talk about, your confidence, or that you found some common ground outside of business and managed to have a good laugh together. It’s very easy to forget one face in a sea of them, so aim to make an impression. Set yourself apart from the rest, and you’ll never be overlooked.


Stay in Touch

Last of all, but certainly not least, remember to stay in touch.

We’re not saying be best friends and go out for dinner every week – but now that you’ve had a conversation, follow it up! Send a polite email to tell the person you spoke with how you enjoyed conversing with them, and that you enjoy the work that they do.

This will, not only help them to remember you, but will also make it far more likely you’ll be able to meet in the future. Who’s to say you couldn’t end up collaborating one day? This is how business relationships are created.

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