Non-invasive Therapy For TMD Jaw & Face Pain; MLS Laser At Top Frisco Dentist
‘Temporomandibular’ is hard to say at the best of times, and it gets even worse if your TMJ has a problem. If you’re experiencing jaw or facial pain, see the team at Millennium Smiles.
The state-of-the-art clinic uses advanced biometric technology to detect if your TMJ is causing friction, and the entire process takes just 5-10 minutes. If you do have a problem, the clinic uses MLS laser and other non-invasive therapy to resolve your symptoms, and it’s successful for 95% of clients.
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You might not even know that your headaches or facial pain are caused by TMD, but treating the cause is much better than treating the symptoms with painkillers. That’s why Millennium Smiles has introduced some of the most advanced technologies, and they’re all totally non-invasive and drug-free.
According to statistics reported by, up to one-third of America’s population suffers from one or more TMD symptoms, with the greatest prevalence in the 25-44 age group. Indications of TMD can include pain in your jaw and/or face, difficulty chewing, ringing or stuffy ears, headaches and migraines, and pain in your neck and upper back.
The temporomandibular joint is one of the most common sources of musculoskeletal discomfort, but many people suffer for years without having it diagnosed or treated. Millennium Smiles’ use of advanced technologies makes it easy to learn if you suffer from TMD, and then get rid of the symptoms for good.
“Failing to treat TMD can have detrimental effects on your oral health or overall health,” a clinic representative explained. “In addition to experiencing continued or increased pain in the jaw or face, you may lose the ability to chew effectively or even the ability to open your mouth at all. Our TMJ therapy is a reversible, noninvasive method that is recommended as the first line of defense.”
About Millennium Smiles
Now working from two Frisco locations, on Main Road and Lebanon Road, Millennium Smiles is one of the most advanced dental clinics in the wider Frisco region. The center offers a comprehensive range of routine, sedation, and cosmetic dentistry, as well as specializing in oral health conditions, such as TMD and obstructive sleep apnea.
“The Millennium Smiles offices are very clean and beautiful, and it’s more like being at a relaxing spa than a dental practice,” one patient recently stated. “They use a lot of really high-tech equipment, but the more important thing is that Dr. Korous is excellent at what she does. I have had a filling, crown, and tooth extraction at Millennium Smiles and have never felt any discomfort.”
If you’re experiencing any unexplained facial discomfort, book an appointment to see the team at Frisco’s favorite dental clinic Millennium Smiles.
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Millennium Smiles 5649 Lebanon Rd, Frisco, Texas 75034, United States Website Phone +1-469-200-8123Post Your Ad Here