New Technology For Skin Laser Treatment
This laser system (containing carbon dioxide),
by evaporation of the upper layer of the skin, making the skin finally used to
form a new layer. general strategy, especially around the eyes and mouth,
wrinkles and facial lines are used to refine. Key facts about skin treatment
laser in the affected areas of the body can be used as a part of the laser beam
is not very precise. Stains and burns some form of and chemical peels for skin
treatment visible. Laser shy or less able to have a similar effect - sometimes
called peeling laser.
The laser treatment centre in Mumbai technique is different, but many of the changes that occur in
the skin. It removes the top layer of the skin to the underlying dermis is
exposed, causing the skin, an acronym is softer, smoother and holds less wrinkles.
‘Laser creates a new layer: radiation emission gain of stimulating light. Laser
light source having a high intensity has the following characteristics:
Laser treatment for
varicose veins is monochromatic or single
wavelength of light
That is, coherent beam of light waves are in phase,
Collimated, ie parallel rays of light to travel
varicose veins laser treatment in Mumbai can be focused with a very high energy of the laser light on small
For over 40 years Laser skin diseases were treated. In the
last 20 years they have made great progress has been seen in the technology and
laser treatment spread for use
Cosmetically unpleasant and excessive laser is used to remove
hair as hirsutism. Laser treatment of dark hair quickly. With several cycles
are required
Based on the difference between the treatment of the body to
be treated. Laser hair removal is a method of treating virtually painless and
safe. They can be very rare complications produce but superficial burns and
pigmentation changes. This is reversible within a few weeks. YAG and diode:
device intense pulsed light (IPL / iPulse) long pulse Nd
IPL is a very useful technique to remove inflammatory and
infected acne. Some of the light therapy sessions, usually 15 days enough acne
disappears. Twacha the iPulse system is one of the best for this purpose.
and freckles