Need to know about Business Continuity Training and Management
We all require support systems but often show our negligence towards such services by taking their 24/7 availability for granted. From Mobile phones to Washing Machines, any sort of downtime faced by these services is viewed in an unfavorable manner by us. Given the limitations of the 21st Century, Even a minor inconvenience can cause substantial damage on the infrastructure which further highlights the necessity for Business continuity training.
Business continuity management has become the nucleus of corporate planning in recent years because of the interconnected and integrated global economy where a mild disturbance to one service can cause the entire chain to disrupt.

If checked over the Internet, one of the leading website on the Internet, explains BCM as, “the process of creating systems of prevention and recovery to deal with potential threats to a company. In addition to prevention, the goal is to permit ongoing operation, before and during the execution of disaster recovery.”
If explained in a simpler manner, Business continuity management (BCM) is a holistic approach towards management and governance procedure that helps in securing an organisation/company from the financial and non-financial afflictions produced by minor or major disintegrations.
Keeping the major accidents aside, the minor incidents happening in our day to day life exhibit the possibility of turning into something much more catastrophic if not handled with caution. These disasters may lead to loss of revenue, penalties, inability to adhere to deadlines and commitments, damage to reputation, negative publicity, paving the way for competitors, company and employee attrition and the loss of current and future business. Worst case scenario, the business can face permanent damage, or may even shut down, with zero chances to reopen. BCM single-handedly focuses on ensuring that core, high-priority operations continue after the occurrence of disruption or resume within an acceptable period.
Ways to implement BCM:-
• Identifying financial and non-financial impact caused due to potential disruptions
• Identifying key products and services with critical business functions
• Formulating and implementing viable recovery strategies
• Awareness, Training, Exercising and testing of these strategies
• Regular maintenance, review and modernisation of the analysis
• Strategies and plans to have the assurance that the plans are continuously implemented by all means in time to support the varying needs of the organisation
Continuity & Resilience, (CORE) provides services in the niche area of Business Continuity Management (BCM) and various other fields such as Information Security, Cyber Security, GDPR, Risk Management, Crisis Management, and IT Disaster Recovery. In relation to these fields, they provide services such as Consulting, Implementation, Testing, Assessment, Assurance, Audit and Training.
CORE has a team of top-notch certified professionals who are well equipped and thoroughly trained in the field of Business Continuity Management. These trainers underwent a rigorous recruiting process where their knowledge about Business Continuity training was put to the test. CORE is a firm believer of bringing the best of the best to the table and has successfully achieved brilliant results. Their consultants have worked with professionals from Saudi Arabia, India, Oman, Lebanon, Bahrain, Iran, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Mauritius and various other countries. Also, their consultants and instructors have managed to facilitate over 180 pieces of training/assignments and interact with a total of 2000 professionals across the globe.
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