Natural & Functional Medicine Doctor Offers Health & Nutrition Tips For Men

Thanks to Dr. M Kara and his online health hub KaraMD , all the tools and advice you need to live a healthy life are just the click of a button away.
The functional medicine and holistic health expert is proud to be using his online platform to advocate for healthier lifestyle habits and to help inform men like you—whether you are a young man in your 30s, middle-aged or a senior—about key health and wellness tools. In particular, with KaraMD’s new campaign, he is focusing on information as empowerment.
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The launch of his new campaign follows on from a recent report from the Cleveland Clinic on ‘physician dodging’ in men. The internationally esteemed clinic, where Dr. M Kara worked for over 30 years as a primary care doctor, recently reported that less than half of men in the US get regular or even annual checkups, with 72% saying they would rather do household chores like cleaning the bathroom than go to the doctor.
The research also indicated that younger men in their 30s are particularly reticent to get on top of their health and see a doctor, unless they are really sick.
However, as Dr. M Kara advocates, preventative medicine is one of the most useful tools in improving your quality of life. As such, if you’re one of those men who would rather be scrubbing your toilet than at the doctor, through the KaraMD platform he hopes to give you access to meaningful, actionable advice about the lifestyle habits you can adopt in order to reduce inflammation in your body, support your microbiome and gut-brain axis, and improve your cognitive health.
Dr. M Kara’s advice starts with better nutrition, one of the core areas in which men in America often fail to take adequate care of themselves. Recent articles that the natural medicine doctor and specialist internist has published through his men’s health in their hands campaign focus on different key organs like the liver, and teach you basic tips, like drinking enough water and exercising, that can improve your internal health.
Other recent topics you’re sure to benefit from include a fall-themed exploration of the health benefits of pumpkins and pumpkin seeds and natural cold and flu remedies, like chicken soup, ginger, vitamin C and probiotics.
KaraMD Inc is an online informational resource run by Dr. M Kara. The doctor is passionate about patient-led healthcare and wants to empower you to improve your lifestyle and overall wellbeing.
A spokesperson for the doctor said, “There are many things you can do to help elevate your wellness routine. Daily physical exercise, maintaining a healthy balanced diet, and ensuring you get 7-8 hours of rest are essential to total body well-being. Here at KaraMD, we want to help you start incorporating more healthy habits into your health ritual.”
Dr. M Kara knows that an incredible life starts with a healthy mind and body.
Visit if you’re ready to put your health in your hands.