Mobile Toilets- An Emerging Business
By the modern era, everyone is keen to earn fame and money. It's not wrong to call this era an era of financial pre-eminence. In the beginning, there was no trade, then the barter system appeared, then the barter was replaced by the marketing and industrialization. Every person wants to earn big and for earning big he has to think big. One has to think out of the box in order to hit hard in the industry. Business is above the barriers of cleanliness or dirt.
All a businessman is concerned with is money. So, money coming from every source is good money and it's acceptable. So, due to the emergence of the modern day business environment, people have chosen to think out of the box. Everyone is bringing out something extraordinary to surpass their counterparts. Apart from the clean businesses, the dirty businesses are also the source of some handy income.
Mobile toilets business is a clear cut example. Portable toilets are used at public places, remote areas and in emergency conditions. An average mobile toilet can make you earn about 100$ a day. This clearly shows that it's a useful business to run. It can collect revenue of worth more than 35000$ an annum. That's a reasonable amount to be collected. If the same case is taken at a higher level then this can also appear as an industry with a handsome profit ratio. It can give a huge push to the nation's economy.
Now, the question might appear in your mind that how many portable toilet stalls are required as per the persons? So, here's the answer to your question. You need 5 to 6 stalls for 150 to 180 personnel. Which implies that you need a toilet stall for every 30 persons. In the case of emergency situations, one unit can bear the burden of almost 100 people. A common dung tank mounted in the mobile toilet unit can withstand almost 150 gallons of dung. It may increase with an increase in the size of the collection tank.
Mobile toilets can also emerge as an optimum and necessary part of event management. Any outdoor ceremony or event must have multiple mobile toilet units. So, we will discuss now the reasons to advocate the use of mobile toilets. The foremost thing is that mobile units provide better sanitation facilities. The second reason is that these mobile sanitation units are environment-friendly.
These units provide better privacy options for answering nature's call. Another important reason in favor of mobile toilets is that these are the easiest but handy way of making better health conditions sure. In the areas where there's a shortage of household or public toilets, there’s a strong chance of spreading epidemic diseases that may cause an alarming situation. This will eventually result in the rising of some serious concerns. In short, mobile toilets are becoming the necessity of not only populated urban public areas but also essential need of remote and rural areas.