Mistakes to avoid when building a custom home

Mar 19, 2018

Building a home specifically designed to accommodate your preferences and conform to your requirements can be an incredibly gratifying experience. But as anyone who has previously built a custom home can tell you, it can also be an excessively nerve-wracking and laborious process unless you know what you are walking into.

Here are four common mistakes that you should avoid for a hassle-free custom home construction process.

Not having a plan in place

Planning is arguably the most important part of any home construction process. Make sure you thoroughly plan for every detail of your house, from the design of your windows to the layout of the rooms as well as the width of the hallways and the number of power points. Keeping a track of design ideas that you would like to borrow is a good start as they can serve as a helpful point of reference to show your custom home builders once construction is initiated.

Working on a confined budget

No matter how much you budget for every detail of your house, the construction is likely to cost you more. Costs of all the things that were not covered in the initial estimation and unexpected features can add up surprisingly high. A useful rule of thumb is to evaluate the costs and then retain a budget that is at least 15–25% higher than your assessed costs.

Choosing the wrong builder

You are going to work with your builder for a couple of months so it is imperative that you choose the right one to avoid complications along the way. There are a number of things you can consider when choosing a builder. First and foremost, make sure they have the adequate credentials and are insured. You must also go through their past work so to ensure that they render a high quality of service. Looking into the builder’s portfolio can also help you understand the design language they work with and whether or not it suits your style. And since you are going to work with your builder for months, it is also important to ensure that they communicate well. Also, they should be within your budget (naturally).

Not understanding the agreement

In order to make an informed decision, it only makes sense to read through the contract and acknowledge details like building costs, time limit for building, warranty and coverage information.

Before you ask, “where can I find custom home builders near me?” make sure you have arranged everything in order — from the home layout to the finance. Once you are organized and provided, you can build your home effortlessly and efficiently.


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