
Million Dollar Plan the Power of “Why”

by Mike G. Marketer

Million Dollar Plan the Power of “Why”



The “Power of Why” once learned should put you on a millionaire status within 9 months to 3 years! So, this could be the most important article you will ever read, towards your financial freedom.


I will plead with you to implement this technique in your marketing strategies to find the success you desire. You won’t need to follow or listen to anyone any longer…they will start following you!


Before we get started I want you to be fully aware of the truth that will keep you at a high earning level with less efforts as you go…


Making money online is simply gathering people in an organized way to pile up money and give it to you. Simply understand the “Power of Why” will do this just about every time for you.



Taking the pile and sharing the money with others who are willing to work hard with you…this will give you truly loyal followers but this is a topic for another day so let’s dive into the “Power Why.”



Why, “Why” Works…



Ask yourself this question – why would anyone join your down line or purchase from you as opposed to anyone else promoting the same offer?


Now answer the question with total honesty…


Depending on how you answered the question is where your success truly is…so if you are having a hard time getting people to join you it is because even you don’t have a good reason “Why” they would.



You should always have a long list of reasons that a person would join you embedded in your mind. The reason for this is if you believe in it mind, body and soul it translates to others that way which becomes undeniable for them.


If you have doubt about what you promote then others will sense that in your writing, actions etc…so you need to dive deep into what you are promoting and focus on the benefits for others or you will have harder time reaching your goals.



In the make money online niche, I know that anybody who signs under me mainly want one thing and that’s money…so everyone who follows my steps I will make sure they get paid!



The problem is only 3 out of 10 people who initially sign up under me follow the steps I lay out so they miss out for the most part. Below is an example of what I promoted on Apsense and 4 other similar websites.


I posted this link: Making Money which is only a free website thing…I told people to sign up and create a website and I will show you how to make $100 a day with a little work, just tell me when you’ve done that part.


Well, I did this for Apsense people and 4 other sites that have been hard for me to covert people on…the results I got in a couple of months was 150 people signed up but only 3 contacted me on what to do next and followed through.



Now by 150 people signing up and creating a website I made $5 a piece which was $750 total. I took the $750 and invested it into 2 estate sales that cost me $950. Now I don’t expect you to believe how much I profited off of that $950 but I will get to it later.


So I put 20 people in the down line of 3 people who followed simple instructions which gave them $100 each. They in turn got so excited that they recruited about 750+ people under them within 6 weeks!


This made them roughly $3,750 and they have 750+ people to market to…I then teach my 3 new leaders the “Power of Why” which then they began helping the 750+ people that continues the cycle.


So you may think what’s in it for you…I make 10% of the 3 people and 3% of the down line no matter how deep and I think this group has grown to about 8,000 plus people. I also sell $2 eBooks monthly on income topics so that is WHY!


Here is something else to think about…you want money which other people have, your money in their pockets…if you promote to people and they fail they not only blame the company or service but they blame you!


You end up making money once or twice off them when you can make money in a win-win situation for years if not a life time!


OK, this is long enough but I will say that off that $950 estate sale I ended up finding 12 diamonds and $70,000 in silver coins ($7,000 retail). The diamonds turned out to sell for $20,000 (results not typical)…the 3 people who took action ended up with $6,000 each off following instructions!

Anyhow hope you get what I’m saying if not I wish all the best anyways!



Good Luck to you always!



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