Methods of Piles Treatment in Delhi - Glamyo Health

About Piles
Piles are inflamed and swollen collections of tissue that develop in the anal area which is very common among individual nowadays and can be found inside or outside the anus. This may be very painful, itchy and sore and may require immediate care. there are certain possibilities wherein piles can be cured at home without surgery, depending on the severity of the disease and help to relieve the mild pain, inflammation and swelling however it is still not assured that piles can go away of their own.
Piles treatment in all major cities is available and there are various methods of treatment available to get rid of piles. Typically, a Piles treatment in Delhi could range anywhere from _ to _ The overall costs totally depends on the hospitals, the cities and the method of surgery.
Types of surgery for piles
Traditional Therapy : This procedure involves the surgical removal of the hemorrhoid using a scalpel, laser, or cautery pencil (which uses electricity. It is rare for a hemorrhoid removed by traditional surgery to return, but you may need to stay in the hospital for a few days after surgery.
Rubber Band Ligation : Rubber band ligation is the most common procedure to treat internal hemorrhoids and it is very effective. After inserting a device called a syringe ligator into the anus, the physician will gently draw the hemorrhoid into the device, twisting it slightly and then locking it in place above the sensitive dentate line, before quickly securing a rubber band around the hemorrhoid’s base to complete the process.
Coagulation Therapy : The most common type of coagulation therapy is infrared photocoagulation, in which your physician will use the heat from an intense beam of infrared light to create fibrous tissue on the hemorrhoid, cutting off the blood supply to the enlarged rectal tissue. Your physician might also perform coagulation therapy with a laser or an electrical current. This treatment is for small or medium-sized hemorrhoids.
Sclerotherapy Therapy : Physicians may choose sclerotherapy to treat internal hemorrhoids that are too small for rubber band ligation. The physician injects a chemical (the sclerosant) into the base of the hemorrhoid, which hardens and prevents blood from feeding the enlarged mucosal tissue, which dies and eventually falls off.
Cryosurgery Therapy : In this procedure, the physician will first use local anaesthesia to numb the area before applying either nitrous oxide or liquid nitrogen with a cryoprobe to freeze internal or external hemorrhoids.The physician may also tie them off (ligate) before freezing them. The hemorrhoids will shrink and fall off in 2-3 weeks.
Stapling Therapy : Stapling is also known as a procedure for prolapse. Surgical staples are used to close surgical incisions or wounds that are too big or complex to close with traditional stitches.
Though there are various methods of surgery still Laser surgery is opted by a lot of people as it is safe and painless procedure with no cuts and stitches. No tissues need to be cut. The affected area is simply treated with laser energy in a precise and focused manner and the problem is solved within a few minutes. Patients can resume their normal lives immediately after surgery. Although these may hurt less and have fewer complications, surgery might be a better long-term choice, especially if your hemorrhoids are large and very painful or bleeding. Hemorrhoid surgery is more effective.
Piles Treatment in Delhi in Accordance to Piles Grades - The dilatated veins in the anal canal and the distal region of the rectum are haemorrhoids, often known as piles. Piles Treatment in Bangalore