Member Health Red Flag: Male Organ Discharge

Posted by John Dugan
Dec 27, 2017

When a man first notices male organ discharge, he might hope that he’s wrong – that he hasn’t really seen what he thinks he saw. But in most cases, when a man notices something odd about his manhood, he’s right in that something really is going wrong with the equipment. It’s a true manhood care emergency in that a man needs to figure out what is causing the discharge as soon as possible, so as to help keep his member health in tip-top shape – and of course, to help ensure that he protects the health of his sensual partners as well. 

Male organ discharge: Is it a socially shared infection? 

Unfortunately, one of the most common reasons for male organ discharge is a socially shared infection. Though in most cases the infection comes along with other symptoms as well, some men experience a discharge with little to no other symptoms. 

The discharge can take a variety of forms. In some cases it is very thin and watery, and is only a slow “drip” that might take a man a few days to notice. But in others, the discharge is copious, with large amounts of it showing up in his underwear in a short period of time. Some discharge might become thick as well. 

When it comes to color, male organ discharge can be anything from entirely clear to dark yellow or green. Some discharge can even be entirely white, as though chalk has been mixed with water. A discharge that includes any pink or red color might mean there is also blood in there, which doesn’t bode well for a man – it’s a sure sign he needs to get to the doctor as soon as possible. 

Other potential signs 

As mentioned earlier, there are often many other symptoms that accompany a male organ discharge that is the result of a socially shared infection. These can include a red manhood, itching, swelling, manhood pain, a feeling of fullness, an urge to urinate that leads to only a few drops coming out, a rash, painful urination and more. Any of these could indicate a serious medical issue, including an infection a man picked up from a partner. 

What to do 

When a man is confronted with a male organ discharge, the first thing he must do is figure out where the problem is coming from. For most guys, that’s going to mean a quick visit to the doctor or health clinic, where he will be tested for socially shared infections. The doctor might take a swab of the discharge for further study and to help determine the infection more quickly; a guy can also expect to have blood taken for labs that can help pinpoint which problem he might have. 

If a guy notices male organ discharge that is mixed with blood, experiences manhood pain with no explanation, or notices the discharge shortly after he suffered an injury to the member, it’s time to go to the emergency room. These situations require a man to be thoroughly checked out as soon as possible to help him avoid any long-term problems that might result from the issue. 

On a day-to-day basis, a guy should take steps to protect his manhood. This includes using barrier protections when in bed with a new partner, keeping the manhood clean and fresh, and reaching for a daily member health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A guy should look for a crème that contains Shea butter for dryness, vitamin C for overall skin health, vitamin A for odor control and alpha lipoic acid to fight the free radicals that can lead to signs of aging. A guy should also look for other nutrients, such as L-carnitine and L-arginine, which provide for better health of a guy’s favorite organ.

Visit for additional information on most common member health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.
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