Manhood Rash from Allergy: What to Know

Posted by John Dugan
Oct 9, 2017

When proudly unveiling the manhood, a guy wants to be sure his equipment is going to make the best possible impression. That’s less likely to happen if a manhood rash is present, causing his otherwise impressive member to look unhealthy – and possibly raising worries about his overall sensual and male organ health. Many partners may worry that a manhood rash could be a sign of some form of social disease, but it’s very likely to be the result of something much more mundane - such as an allergy.

Since no man is pleased to present with red, swollen member skin, learning about how an allergy can cause a manhood rash is important.

Male organ allergy

As Wikipedia puts it, an allergy is a condition “caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to something in the environment that usually causes little or no problem in most people.” Something that causes this reaction is referred to as an “allergen.”

Most instances of a manhood rash caused by an allergy are related to what dermatologists refer to as “contact dermatitis.” This means that the skin reacts to coming in actual physical contact with something to which it has a negative association. Some allergy-related causes of manhood rash include:

1) Soap, cleansers and shampoos. Male organ skin is highly sensitive, and so it may experience an allergic reaction to harsh soaps or cleansers, or those that include fragrances. Although shampoo is generally relegated to the scalp, it often drips onto the manhood – and some men do shampoo their midsection hair as well. If the shampoo contains a chemical that is disagreeable to the member, a rash may result.

2) Laundry detergents and fabric softeners. As with soaps and shampoos, some laundry detergents or fabric softeners may include ingredients that send a red flag to the immune system. A member rubbing up against underwear or trousers washed with such detergent may respond in an allergic manner.

3) Certain fabrics. In some cases, a man may be allergic to certain fabrics or materials. Usually, this affects the manhood only if that material is cotton or nylon, typical fabrics used in underwear. However, if a man prefers to go without underwear, or if the allergy is especially intense, those with a reaction to denim, linen, wool or other fabrics may suffer.

4) Sperm blockers or lubricants. Although sperm blockers and lubricants are designed for sensual use, men with especially sensitive manhood skin may find that they produce a rash. Sometimes switching from, say, an oil-based lubricant to a water-based one can help.

5) Latex protections. Similarly, some men have a latex allergy, which can make utilizing traditional protections difficult. Seeking out non-latex protections is highly recommended for such men. By the same token, if a partner has a latex allergy, using non-latex protections is suggested.

6) Male seed. It’s extremely unlikely, but some men may experience male seed fluid hypersensitivity, which means that male seed can create a rash. Cleaning the member immediately upon seed release can sometimes help with this issue.

7) Chemicals. A whole range of chemicals can create a rash – so men with very sensitive member skin should wash their hands before touching the member for urination or self-pleasuring, in case they have been handling an item with allergy-causing chemicals.

Taking steps to eliminate the likelihood of an allergy can spare a man an embarrassing manhood rash. Using a first class male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can often help alleviate some of the itching and redness associated with manhood rash. For this to occur, a man needs a crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E), to help provide the soothing moisturization that the manhood skin requires. It also pays to seek out a crème with vitamin D, as this “miracle vitamin” fights disease and helps support healthy cellular function of manhood skin.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.
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