Live chat agent training solutions

Posted by Michael Brentow
Nov 2, 2017

At one point, every online buyer has dealt with a live chat agent. The experience was either positive or negative, as the agent did help by answering questions in an informative manner or was a robot that did not prove to be efficient. Live chat agent training solutions exist, and they are designed to improve the experience for those visiting your online store. Live chat sales can be improved dramatically if you know what measures to take.

Some businesses might not be aware of how live chat can improve sale records. It is different from offering telephone support, e-mail support and even social media interaction. It is a powerful tool that should be implemented by all online companies and there are many reasons to explain why. First, it helps reduce expenses. Take for example phone support, it costs considerably and installing a phoning system is necessary. With live chat, you can save up money and it is more convenient for visitors to type a message, rather than dialing the number to speak directly with the agent.

Agents can multi-task while they are on live chats. Talking over the phone requires the entire attention of the agent and if there are other tasks that have to be done or multiple incoming phone calls, it will be difficult to juggle with them. By implementing the right live chat agent training solutions, the agent can handle multiple chats simultaneously and visitors will benefit from direct responses, they do not have to wait around for an answer too long. It happens in many situations for visitors to abandon a website because they do not get an answer for their questions and they do not want to buy without knowing everything in advance.

Live chat sales can increase substantially. Many studies have shown that live chat can boost conversions up to at least 20%. In addition, visitors who come in direct contact with live chat are more likely to make a purchase compared to those who do not. Customer service is highly valued among visitors and clients and people will always prefer businesses that know how to treat their clients. Customers feel more confident in doing business with online stores that have live chats. However, not all chats are effective, as in some cases, agents are not trained properly, and they do not know how to respond, or they give short and unclear answers.

It is necessary for businesses to understand how important it is to offer proper training to chat agents. Their reputation and revenue depend on the experience offered. Even suggestions or complaints can be managed faster using live chat platforms and no matter how upset a customer is, if his/her issue is resolved fast, they will have a better opinion about the company’s products or services. This is how brand loyalty is maintained and how business should be done by every online shop.

Do you want to improve the chat experience for your customers? In that case, focus on the right live chat agent training solutions. You can increase your live chat sales by making the right investment.

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