Legend of the Sleeping Dragon Book 2 is coming soon to a book store near you.

Jul 12, 2021

Hello, My name is Detective Angel Spears. My world has been turned upside down. I had to take a couple months off from work. I am in mourning. The only man I ever loved is gone because of my stubbornness. He turned into a source of evil and I had no choice but to kill him. Living with the pain has been too much for me to bare. There were many days it was hard to get out of bed, shower, or do any normal daily activities. I felt like life itself ended. I woke up and the life I knew was completely changed. I kept waking up thinking it was a nightmare. I kept having dreams of him and when I woke up, I realized it was just that, a dream. No matter what I struggled and knew I had to go back to work. I knew in my heart there were more murder cases to be solved. I knew I had to get myself back up but it was so hard. Once again, I found myself in a bind, literally. No matter what, I am a fighter. I will keep pushing forward. I have too. Sterlin City depends on me. My friends depend on me. The world depends on me. I know I am the best at what I do. Nobody can solve cases the way I do. I was the first in my class. I am good at working alone. I prefer to work alone. I let him in my world even after I didn't want too. I guess now, no matter what, I will be alone again. It's hard being alone. It's lonely. I am doing my best to sort through my feelings because I know I have too pick up the pieces of my broken life and keep moving forward. This is the start of a new day. I will be stronger today than I was yesterday. Please visit us on youtube at legend of the sleeping dragon - YouTube.

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