Learn How To Survive Without Matches

With overseas holidays The Lost Ways Review becoming more expensive many people are choosing to go on camping trips closer to home. Exploring the great outdoors brings out the survivalist in all of us and gives us a chance to practice our knowledge of the basic survival skills we may need.
Among with the many survival skills needed, one of the most important is to learn how to start fire without matches or lighter. With the multiple camping and sporting stores around the country today, it's easy enough to take extra matches and fuel to start cooking wherever you end up for the night.
But you should always be prepared. Having a match is not always guaranteed. Misplaced, lost or even wet matches will not help when it comes to lighting the bonfire for cooking or getting warm.So if you can learn how to make fire without matches, you will stand a greater chance of survival. There are 5 basic ways to start a fire without matches.One very important point.Before you start a fire in the wilds, always try and have the means to control or extinguish that new fire if needed.
Flint and http://centumentltdreview.com/the-lost-ways-ebook-review/ steel are one of the easiest methods to light a fire. Start by placing the char material or pieces of dry material on the ground. Holding the flint and steel about 2 inches away from the char pieces, strike the steel against the flint repeatedly. Sparks will come off the steel and onto the tinder and start to glow. Protect and shelter the glow, blow gently until the glow is big enough to start a fire. The great thing about a flint and steel is that it doesn't matter if you get them wet.