Learn From How Starbucks Uses Online and Offline Marketing Effectively

Posted by Peter Paterson
Sep 27, 2018

Subject line: 

Learn From How Starbucks Uses Online and Offline Marketing Effectively.

Starbucks – this is a very successful offline business, that has certainly learned how to use online and offline marketing effectively. 

In fact, there are many lessons that most businesses could learn from how Starbucks does things.

How is it that every Starbucks feels like its own unique local coffee shop? 

How is it that Starbucks was able to turn their online Starbuck Rewards program that uses the smartphone app into such as success? 

Few would argue with the fact that Starbucks is a leader in the coffee industry and with their marketing. So let’s see what we can learn from them. 

Examples of Online Marketing That’s Been Successfull

1. Starbucks uses Twitter to engage with their followers. 

If you follow them, they’ll follow you back. They engage in conversations with the audience. That might be wishing students good luck on finals or it might be talking about Starbucks nail art. Users can even Tweet a gift card to anyone they like.  

2. Starbucks offers their customers free Wi-Fi 

- and that perk has encouraged customers to stay in the coffee shop rather than to get their coffee on the fly. Once customers connect to the Starbucks Wi-Fi they can enjoy the Starbucks Digital Experience. Services that generally charge like USA Today, are free through Starbucks. 

3. The Starbucks app has made it very convenient to pay on the fly. 

But it does more. It allows you to build stars for free drinks. It’s a win-win all the way around and it has been a huge success with customers.

Offline Examples

1. The iconic red cup rings in the holidays every year. 

When you see someone carrying out the Starbucks red cup it means it’s time for those special holiday drinks. It elicits emotions and and other small businesses should take note and figure out how they can match their products/services to a season and turn on their customers ‘joy.’

2. Starbucks loves to run contests 

- where those participating must be the first to post a new ad or poster. They cleverly integrate their website along with their social media to encourage customers to participate. 

That’s just a few examples of what Starbucks has been highly successful with. 

Take their success, break it down and determine how you can have the same kind of success. There’s plenty of companies that can show you a successful online and offline marketing campaign. 

Learn from their success.

Additional Resources:

Marketing Guides & Tools


Social Networks of the beaten track but with high ctr




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