Knowing Everything About Hyperhidrosis

Posted by Sofia Wallis
Jan 14, 2019

Hyperhidrosis which is also known as Polyhidrosis or Sudorrhea is a medical condition characterized by excessive sweating.  The sweating can affect just one area or it can affect the entire body also. The condition is not life-threatening but can certainly cause discomfort, embarrassment and psychological trauma in patients. This article will cover causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of hyperhidrosis. 

What is Hyperhidrosis?

The excessive sweating associated with hyperhidrosis is usually active in feet, hands, armpits, and even groin due to high number of sweat glands in these areas. 

  • Focal Hyperhidrosis: It is when the excessive sweating is localized.

  • Generalized Hyperhidrosis: This condition occurs when the sweating affects the entire body. It can be present from birth or might develop later in life. 

In some patients, the symptoms can be so severe that it becomes a reason of anxiety and embarrassment.  The patient’s career choices, personal relationships, self-esteem and emotional well-being is likely to get affected.

Fortunately, there are a number of options to treat it effectively. The biggest challenge in treating this condition is the number of people who don’t take medical advice, either due to embarrassment or maybe they think it is a natural phenomenon. 


It is defined as excessive sweating that can even disrupt normal activity. Such episodes occur at least once in a week for no clear reason. Some signs can include: 

  • Clammy or wet palms 

  • Clammy or wet feet 

  • Frequent sweating 

  • Noticeable sweating that can even soak clothes 

  • Skin problems including fungal or bacterial infections 

  • People often become self-conscious 

  • Body odor becomes a biggest challenge to deal with 


The exact reason of primary hyperhidrosis is still unknown but secondary hyperhidrosis on the other hand has a long list of causes. According to a study, primary hyperhidrosis is more of genetic condition.

Causes of Secondary Hyperhidrosis 

  • Spinal cord injury 

  • Anxiety 

  • Alcohol abuse 

  • Diabetes 

  • Heart disease 

  • Hyperthyroidism 

  • Respiratory failure 

  • Certain infections like HIV 

  • Pregnancy and many others 


Initially, a doctor may try to rule out any underlying conditions, such as low blood sugar by prescribing blood and urine test. Patients who go for excessive sweating treatment are often asked about the pattern or episodes of sweating.

  • They may be asked a series of questions like:

  • Does the condition affect your mental state? 

  • Do you carry anything to deal with sweating, such as napkins towels or pads?

  • Have you ever lost a friend due to this?

  • How often you take shower?

  • How often do you change your clothes?

Thermoregulatory sweat test: In this test, a powder sensitive to moisture is applied to the skin. patients are then exposed to heat in sweat cabinet, people who do not have hyperhidrosis do not sweat in palm but those suffering from this condition will sweat in palm. 


There are a number of treatment available for this but one should always find a reliable skin specialist or dermatologist to get the treatment. They also offer skin care products Cape Town to treat different skin problems. They can recommend the below for hyperhidrosis:

  • Botulinum Toxin (Botox Injection): This treatment works by blocking the nerves that triggers the sweat gland. Patients with hyperhidrosis may need a number of injections before getting complete relief. This is considered to be the most effective treatment so far. 

  • Iontophoresis: In this treatment, the hands and feet are submerged in a bowl of water. An electric current is then passed in water which is painless. Usually patients require 2-4 sittings.

  • Anticholinergic Drugs: These medications block the transmission of parasympathetic nerve impulses. Relief can be witnesses within 2 weeks. 

  • ETS (Endoscopic Thoracic Symathectomy): This is a surgical procedure and only recommended in severe cases which have not responded well to other treatments. In this, the nerves that carry messages to sweat glands are removed.

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