Know Some Anxiety Self Help

Posted by Lavina Selin
May 19, 2016

Chakra Activation System Review In Human Givens therapy, there are 14 emotional health factors that a therapist will measure with every client they work with. One of the questions on this initial audit is:'Are you being mentally and/or physically stretched in ways which give you a sense that life is meaningful'. It's this one response that I'm now becoming super-aware of - not just for my clients but in my own life too (we're all work's in progress). The questions I'm now asking myself are: 'Am I using my present comfort to excuse me taking risks'; 'Is it really true that other people are benefitting from me staying as I am?'; 'Could doing nothing actually be more damaging that doing something': 'What am I most scared of... and what if I go ahead and start that thing anyway'?

The power of no. It's definitive. It's Final. It brings closure and can some times take away the pain of waiting. Let's back up and think about this for a minute. What really is it they want to think about? I see it as a form of no. Perhaps the person you asked the question of doesn't want to say no to you. They like you too much. They think you will be hurt. It's an easy out for them. For now! I get no's and I'll think about it or I'll get back to you later every day in my professional life. I just blow it off and move on.

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