Posted by Addkraft Technology
May 8, 2016



Setting up processes for acing through your digital sales is not an easy task - or is it?


Any marketing guru will have oodles of wisdom to share on enabling digital sales - details about strategy, content, process and technology. While most of our businesses can check off all these points with confidence, we miss one crucial point - seamless integration of all these elements, which will accelerate your journey towards your business goals.


However, achieving this ideal seamless integration is also one of the main roadblocks.


 The right data at the right time


Most of the time, strategy and planning proceed without many obstructions, but the tests of truth are in the execution of these well-thought-of strategies. The huge gap between visualization and implementation comes to the fore when a data-driven approach is not used right from the strategy stage through to implementation.


For example, in content marketing, to communicate with your target audience across multiple channels yet personalize your message based on your specific audience persona you will first need data to create pockets of audience persona and then more organized data and automation to actually send out the communication. That's quite an unimaginable task if you depend only on manual resources.


Does this mean that complete automation at every stage of customer engagement is the ideal solution?


No! Your customers are human - a completely automated approach would make them feel processed.


Bringing human touch to a data-driven process


Without building an emotional connect with your audience, there is no scope for gaining their trust. Moreover, assessing the responses to and trends of your initiatives is crucial so you can make the required changes to your approach to get the desired results.


Without these instances of human touch, your compartmentalized fixation on data and automation might result in consistent delivery of the wrong information to the wrong customers in the wrong format at the wrong time. 


With the right balance of data-driven automation and human intervention, you will achieve your goal of focused customer engagement.


Customer engagement after gaining trust


Trust building is not a one-time initiative, not does it become redundant after your first interaction with your customer.  It's a recurring essential throughout the customers' lifecycle. Relevant, good quality content, customer-sourced content, and personalized customer interaction with strategic calls to action will convert your customers to your trusted brand ambassadors.


Tracking and Analytics


At every stage, data, automation, and human interaction play a crucial role in exploring and analyzing customer engagement and buying behavior.


·         Why is the prospect reaching out to you?

·         What are the metrics related to impressions, visits, and registrations in response to your lead generation and digital marketing efforts?

·         How many unique visitors and repeat visitors are you getting per month?

·         Are you making enough sales as a result of the generated interest

·         If not, then where are you going wrong?


You can hence complement the best tools and technologies with the best of human intervention to bring efficiency and accuracy to your digital sales approach.


 Your overall success depends on how well you

·         define your business goals and objectives

·         develop your unique strategy

·         prepare to support your strategy

·         deliver a customer centric sales process

·         engage with your audience using quality content

·         and track and analyze your performance continued customer engagement


In today's world, your customers are pampered children since every wish of theirs gets fulfilled "on demand". The only way to get them to notice you is to use the right combination of data, automation, and human intervention and gain their trust.


For more details visit @ http://www.addkraft.com/services/

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