July 2019 Calendar Printable Templates
Our website provides free printable calendar templates specifically for the citizens of America. We design all of our calendars according to the proper US calendar system. They are very helpful for every American in a number of ways. With our free printable July 2019 calendar, you will always stay updated of all the festivals and holidays coming up next.
VL calendar July 2019 templates are downloadable in JPG image and PDF formats. It is very easy to download and print our calendar templates. You can download or print as many July Calendar templates as you want and we will never charge you a penny. Everything on our website is free to download and print.
All of our calendar templates are simple but very handful in every American’s life. Our calendars come in a large variety of looks and usage types. The library of calendar templates on our website is so large that you will never end up empty-handed while searching for a calendar template whatever your taste in calendars is. July 2019 Calendar is available in the most exotic and eye catchy templates to the templates with blank spaces for keeping notes or reminders.
Give your office or bedroom a new essence with our printable July 2019 Calendars. You will never miss any special occasion with our calendars which come with special space for reminders and notes. Search and find the best design of your choice from the long list of templates. Here you will find only the best. Download in JPG image or PDF format and Print now for free for every US citizen.
July is the seventh month of the modern day calendar. It has 31 days. It was given its name July after the great Julius Caesar. He lived from 100 BC to 44 BC. July is sometimes also referred to as Julius Caesar month. Julian calendar also has July as its seventh month. July was the 5th month of year in Roman calendar. It was known as Quintilis but later its name was changed to July in Julius Caesar’s honor. There were 31 days in Quintilis also.
July got its name as it is today in the 45 BCE during Julian Calendar reform. It became the 7th month of year in 450 BCE when January became the first month of year. The month previous to July is June and next to July is August. July is the coolest month of year in Southern hemisphere and hottest month of year in Northern hemisphere. The weather is completely different in the two hemispheres.
This year, July will start on a Monday and end on a Wednesday. Usually, July starts on the same day of week as April but in case of a leap year, it starts on the same day of week as January. Last day of the month July is never same with the last day of any other month in terms of day of week except in case of leap years when the day of week on 31 July is same as on 31 January which is the last day of the month January.
Other than July, July has three more names. Julie is the Middle English name of July. Both Julius Mensis and Quintilis Mensis are its Latin names. Julius Mensis means “Month of Julius” and Quintilis Mensis means “Fifth Month”.
July is a very important month in the history of the United States. Every American has a special place in their heart for the 4th of July as it is the Independence Day of the United States.
The Water lily and the Larkspur are the birth flower of July. The birthstone for July is Ruby which is a symbol of contentment.
Source: VL Calendar
Comments (2)
QueenHajar Akanqi
Great job Karen Cline, nice calendars, wishing you much success! :)
Sharon Gore
Oh, thank you! This is exactly what I was wanting for a calendar for my desk! It’s absolutely adorable and it printed out beautifully.