John Gioffredi Announces DUI and DWI Legal Defense in Texas.

Posted by PRC Agency
Jun 6, 2022
John Gioffredi Announces DUI and DWI Legal Defense in Texas.

Here, at Gioffredi & Associates, we have published a new article entitled, "Defenses to DWI and DUI: Know the Procedure Know What to Do." The 2-minute report examines the process when a suspected driver is stopped by the police, the steps to follow, and why it is vital to get trustworthy legal representation. Any individual interested in learning about defenses to DUI and DWI and others can view the full article at Gioffredi&Associates/Blog.

The article includes several interesting pieces of information; one, in particular, is when the police want to determine if a DWI or DUI offense has been committed. As most people know, DUI and DWI are abbreviations for Driving Under the Influence and Driving While Intoxicated; therefore, the police officer would stop a suspected drunken driver; making a quantitative determination of the amount of alcohol impairment at the time of the stop. The information provided above is essential because people need to be aware of the procedure to know the following steps, like choosing the right lawyer.

One of the most relevant pieces of information the article tries to convey and communicate is how to choose the right lawyer. Improper representation in court can be very stressful, so one must be careful when picking a lawyer. According to the report, obtaining a knowledgeable, reliable lawyer for representation is crucial to getting the best defense in DUI and DWI cases. The best example of this is perhaps found in the following extract:

Gioffredi & Associates always remind people that winning a DWI means getting a not guilty verdict or the case dismissed. Winning for the firm means that the client walks away with no punishment whatsoever, no probation, and nothing on their record. Moreover, the firm has spent 30 years developing a unique and aggressive DWI defense system and has been helping clients.

In discussing the article's creation, John Gioffredi, President/CEO at Gioffredi & Associates, said:

"Most people know that DUI and DWI impair judgment. Therefore, Gioffredi & Associates believes that explaining the process when stopped by the police and the importance of getting trustworthy legal representation is another way to help people. Ultimately, the firm has seen everything before, and it will use its three decades of experience to fight for its clients..."

Our Regular readers of Gioffredi & Associates will notice the article's familiar tone, described as 'professional with a sprinkling of seriousness.'

Here, at John Gioffredi & Associates, we now welcome comments and questions from readers concerning the article, as we are intent on helping the audience to be better informed on DWI and DUI cases.

Anyone who has a specific question about a past, present, or future article can contact Gioffredi & Associates via their website at

The complete article is available to view in full at Gioffredi&Associates/Blog.

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