Job Dissatisfaction

Posted by Kyle Mitchel
Jun 28, 2021

In any working environment, sometimes people have to face the issues, which can be perceived differently depending on their personal values and beliefs. In case one does not agree with some rules or decisions, the feeling of injustice, if not addressed, usually grows into a strong dissatisfaction with the job. Job dissatisfaction is a serious problem that can arise in business as it has crucial impact not only on the overall mental state of the affected worker and the entire atmosphere in the working team, but also predetermines how effective the efforts of the employees are. Being widely analyzed in the sphere of the customers’ service, organizational commitment and job satisfaction are important in all possible spheres of work. The field of armed forces allows one to analyze the role of the organizational commitment and personal traits in military. The aim of the current paper is to refer to military ranks as the evidences of the effective work and to point out the connection of the worker’s success in the area to his/her commitment level and personality traits.

In order to solve the problem of job dissatisfaction in the military, it is necessary to refer to the underlying reasons that can cause it. According to Stocker, Jacobshagen, Semmer and Annen, it is important to understand that work in the military organizations is commonly accompanied by the high level of stress. It can be predetermined by the strict or even rude style of communication, necessity to follow the orders and sometimes even having a feeling of being humiliated. Work in military can also be associated with violence and restricted personal will. Consequently, the primary issue related to job satisfaction in this and any other area is a number of the corresponding qualities. This idea is supported by Holland in his theory. The scholar pointed out that the worker and the particular job have to fit to one another. Among such, the ability to disregard the personal beliefs and desires, to follow the orders and have exceptionally strong self-control are essential for the military men and women.

In addition, the organizational commitment among the servicemen should be even higher due to the fact that they have to put the will of the organization over the personal one. Hence, it is crucial to make one’s personal qualities fit his/her work and the level of job satisfaction will be very high. At the same time, the ability to ensure decent moral and material reward is the task of the organization.

It is always crucial for the worker to feel that his/her moral sacrifice or freedom sacrifice is highly appreciated. The essential task of the employer is to make the stressors common in the military be less influential than the commitment to the organization. Among the major stressors in military, Stocker et al have pointed out working hours and illegitimate tasks. Therefore, such approaches as social support and interactional justice can be helpful to raise the feeling of being appreciated and respected among the colleagues. In military, ranks that provide the promotion and are usually appointed for some achievements are the main ways to ensure such appreciation. However, new ranks cannot be assigned to everyone and require high-level achievements or certain length of service.

It is necessary to consider the notion of the organizational justice. The research by Bakhshi, Kumar and Rani proves that the organizational justice always predetermined job satisfaction among the employees. Hence, it becomes one of the main tasks of the organization, be it a military one or any other, to make people satisfied with what they get from their work. The reaction of the employees is reflected in their motivation at work and quality of the task performance. Hence, it is essential to ensure the procedural justice, which implies freedom from bias, correct approach to the inaccurate decisions tackling and confirming the following of the rules within the organization.

To sum it up, one can see that military ranks, social support and respectful interaction are the appropriate ways to struggle the issue of job dissatisfaction among the military workers. While the personality traits are the aspects that are usually considered since the initial acceptance of the employees at work, job satisfaction as well as organization commitment are observed after some period of cooperation. They are predetermined by the organization policies and are crucial to motivate workers.

This material was provided by Kyle Mitchel who is a talented writer at

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