Javasript and javascript frameworks for quick software development:
The popularity of Java script grows
every day. It’s definitely the best scripting language which allows creating
exciting interfaces and simplifies the
development of web applications, being a perfect open source app development
software and making the sites interactive and convenient to use.
The Javascript web development
frameworks are issued and updated daily and that’s why it is difficult at times
to go with the tides and understand which famework is most suitable and best
matching for the project.
Before choosing a web app framework
to apply the requirement and needs of
the project to be taken into consideration.
The advantages of the frameworks-----
Javascript framework is a number of features and
functions written in Javascript language and ready for the usage of the developers. These
features simplify the interaction between the app and server and speed up the
manipulating of the web page or app elements.
The main advantage of using a web
application development frameworks is
the fact that it provides immediate reaction to the user interacting with the
site immediately.
The basic content of the traditional
sites without frameworks is stored on
the server and any new content , which is necessary to be upload requires
reloading of pages. When frameworks are used , only the necessary blocks of a
website are reloaded.
Some of the most advantageous
benefits of the frameworks ‘usage:
(1) COST: The cost of the app development for websites
decreases due to the JavaScript frameworks because they are free and open
source code.
(2) Development speed: Java Script frameworks have good
documentations. Some of the JavaScript frameworks are supported by such giant companies as Google etc. Due to
such a lot of information, the speed of development increases.
(3) Efficiency: The usage of the pre-created functions and
templates allows to carry out the projects more effectively. The developers
have to write less code, which results in delivering projects meeting higher
standards and more quickly.
Most used and popular frameworks—
JavaScript frameworks have now become
one of the most preferred web app development platforms for modern single page
apps, social networks, e-commerce products and other software solutions
At present, without using frameworks,
the development of modern web products has become almost impossible. There are
Some companies are still using classical Java Script software incurring higher
development costs. As a consequence of classical JS complexity, lot of
frameworks have appeared in the market, but the solid leadership in the
software development market belongs to these three: Angular, React and Vue.
Angular is a cross-platform framework
which keeps to the MVC architectural
pattern and supports a weak link between the display, data and logic of the
components( integral parts of the app).
Angular shifts a certain part of server services to the client side and
consequently the server workload decreases and the web application becomes
Due to Typescript the project code
becomes clear , convenient for developer’s understanding and contains fewer
errors. Angular strong points are remarkable documentations and references.
One of the week points of Angular is
the high learning curve for the projects because a JavaScript developer should know for instance , Type Script to
start working with framework. It consequently makes the project fulfillment
more difficult, especially the work is passed from one team to another.
Another drawback of the Angular framework is the frequent release on the new
versions. The 8th one already released in June, 2019.
React—is a java script library with
open source code for user-interfaces development. For the first time React was used in 2011in the face book
newsfeed, then in 2012 in Instagram.
React is still being developed and
supported by Face book and Instagram. It
can be used not only for browser-based web apps but also for mobile apps. The
aim of the framework is to provide high speed , simplicity and operability of
the apps on various platforms.
However, React is not a full-fledged
Framework, but a function library. To
use it as a Framework, other third party libraries should be attached. React
strengths are speed, lightweightness, cross-platform format and big community.
The weakness is the necessity to use
third party libraries for complete work which complicates the development
process. Another drawback of the library is that it does not follow the
standards in HTML or CSS CODE AS Angular and Vue.js do.;
Vue-- is a progressive framework for
user interfaces creation. Vue was made fit for gradual implementation unlike Angular or React. It means progressive
framework gradually starting from
certain pages, which makes the development much easier. The Vue.js creator is
Even and You and the framework is widely used in Chinese companies. Not so long
ago the repository management GitLab
also switched to Veu.js.
Vue deals with presentations layer
tasks in the first turn, it simplifies the integration with other libraries and
existing projects. Vue coopted the best features of Angular and React- the
speed and lightweightness and the possibility to support such technologies as
Type Script and JSX. However along with this the Vue frame remained true to the
principles of CSS and HTML code writing. It facilitates quick web application
development and makes the processes of project development and support easier.
Thus , for any developer who knows
the basics of the front-end technologies will not be a problem to develop or
support the projects on Vue.
At present, a small community can be
called a weak point of the Frame work as no big corporations support it. Nevertheless, popularity of the framework grows
every year.
What to choose?
Every project is unique in its own
way and before starting the project
detailed analysis and evaluation is required.
However, there are certain key
aspects, which help to choose a particular technology for development:
Speed and simplicity of project
development and support.
The speed of the development depends
on the technologies, already used in the projects. In case Type Script or JSC
have already been applied then Angular
or React correspondingly needed. But in case the project from scratch, it’s
better to choose Vue .js due to its compliance with standards.
All the frameworks are popular and
will keep the leadership in the modern development marketin the coming years.
It will not be a mistake to choose any of them . However Vue is vigoursly
gaining popularity, followed by React.
Mobility and Stability:
Supposing one framework is chosen and then decided to
switch to another one and Vue. js is the best choice in this case because
re-writing the projects on Angular or React will mean that the developers will
most likely need to switch Type Script or JSX code to classical Java Script and
HTML correspondingly.
One more important aspect to consider
is the frequency of Frameworks update. Angular has serious updates issued every
06 months, React approximately once in a year. Vue is more stable in this sese
and has serious updates once in several
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