Japanese Is A Magical Language To Learn And Master

Posted by Shipra Sharma
Dec 29, 2015

While many people are eager to learn Japanese and have already taken up Japanese language courses in Delhi, there are many who think that it is difficult to learn. This is because people think that the Japanese speak very fast. Yes, they do speak very fast. But that’s because the pronunciation system of Japanese is much simpler than that of European languages. There are only five vowels in Japanese, namely aiueo. And it has fewer consonants than English does. As a result, to compensate for the lack of sound elements, the Japanese language has longer words. And one syllable words are very rare in Japanese. On the other hand, because Japanese has a simple sound system, it is very easy to speak understandable Japanese. Most of the time people will understand you even if your accent is funny. Japanese is such a magical language. As a conclusion, easy or difficult is just a personal matter. While Kanji is difficult to learn, you can easily use Hiragana and Katakana to write Japanese without the need to spell words. And while your ears suffer because the Japanese speak too fast, your tongue enjoys it because of the relatively simple sound system. Also, Japanese only has two irregular verbs and all verbs are gender-free.

There are lots of English loanwords in Japanese and this is why people need to publish separate dictionaries just for those loanwords. So, if you speak English, chances are you have already known more than 1000 Japanese words. Now, let us see the system of Japanese writing. Historically, Japanese language did not have any writing system. It was a sound only language. Kanji (Chinese characters) was then imported into Japan. The Japanese people learned Kanji and made Chinese sentences in Chinese grammar for a while. In other words, they wrote in Chinese. But because the two languages had very different grammatical systems, it was very inconvenient for the Japanese to record their thoughts this way. The Japanese later began to twist the Chinese language by changing the word order and inserting some particles to make the sentences ‘more Japanese’. To read Chinese in the Japanese way may sound like a crazy idea, but this phenomenon still exists in modern Japan’s high school curriculum. The name of the subject is called Kanbun.

So, now I believe, you must be happy to know that Japanese is not so difficult to learn. It is just like any other foreign language that need sincere efforts and dedication.
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