Invest in Insurance and Get Guaranteed Returns

In life, there are no guarantees. You go to the market, and
find that all products are there on warranty. But, here is something which
offers you a guarantee. Yes, we are talking about a few select life insurance
plans which offer you guaranteed returns. Let’s take a look at them.
Under this plan, you get guaranteed benefits of sorts. The
best part is that you have to pay premium for a limited period of time and then
reap benefits over a period of time.
The premium paying terms are 7 years and 10 years. But the
policy term is double of that period. For instance, if you choose premium
payment period as 7 years, you can extend your life insurance coverage period
to 15 years.
Wondering, that you will lose money during the remaining
period? No, your premium amount will keep accumulating returns during this
period. After the expiration of the policy term, you get the fund back along
with accumulated returns.
The benefits are not limited to this. You are also provided
guaranteed returns in the form of revisionary bonus amount during the premium
payment term. This amount is usually kept at 3 per cent at the minimum and may
go north, depending on the market movement. The sum assured, under this plan,
can be 10 times of the annualized premium.
The minimum entry age for a 10 year policy term is 8 years.
This age limit is further relaxed to 3 years, when you extend the policy term
to 15 years. If you go with a 20 years policy term, even a new born can be
covered under the policy. In this case, the minimum entry age is just 30 days.
Isn’t it amazing?
Wish to know about
more advantages?
Okay, here are a few more. You can go for a monthly
installment plan which starts from Rs 1,000. The minimum yearly annual premium
is Rs 12,000. There are various frequencies under which you can pay up your
premium amount comfortably. This includes quarterly and half-yearly.
If at any point in time, you wish to change the frequency,
just log in to your online account and file an application.
What if you require funds in an emergency situation? There
are ways. Once your policy reaches the surrender value, you can avail a loan of
up to 80 per cent of the total value.
Firstly, the Best Investment Plan offers you guaranteed
maturity benefit of 135 per cent of the annualized premium. Yes, you are
reading it right and we have not written it erroneously, that’s guaranteed!
In order to get this superb benefit, you have to pay your
premium at least for 6 years. Let’s take an example.
You pay premium of Rs 1 lakh for 6 years. How much you pay
in 6 years? Rs 6 lakh. Now, after 6 years, you can claim maturity benefit of Rs
8.10 lakh. This comes to Rs 2.10 being the return on your investment of Rs 6
lakh. This is the guaranteed pay out.
The minimum entry age of this plan is 12 years, and maximum
is 50 years.
Also, you cannot invest more than Rs 2.50 lakh in this plan,
in a year. So, these are some of the limitations. Also, the premium payment
term is 6 years at the minimum.But given the benefits, you should consider
these plans seriously, and analyses them diligently.
If you wish to compare them more objectively on a dynamic
platform, visit Investment Plans sub-section under Life Insurance section of and analyses risks and returns with different scenarios.
Both the aforementioned plans are eligible for tax
deductions of up to Rs 1,50,000 under section 80C of the Income Tax Act.
So, just burry your worry and start putting your savings in
the right direction.