Introduction of Industrial Training

Posted by Meghna Sharmaa
Jan 10, 2018
Today's every Engineering & Professional graduate programs in india entail summer training as an indispensable part of their curriculum with an objective to enhance the Skills of the students on different cutting edge technologies which have become the important part of industries.
Objective of Industrial Training Importance

The Actual objective of Industrial Training is to aware the students to the actual working environment and enhance their skills and knowledge from what they have learned in the Institute and College. Another purpose of this program is to instill the good qualities of integrity, responsibility, self-confidence Motivation. All ethical values and good working practices must be followed by the student. It is also to help the students about the safety practices and regulations inside the industry and to inculcate the spirit of Teamwork.

A key element in an engineering curriculum is an exposure to the Professional engineering practice sought through industrial training. Industrial training has traditionally been weighed as a potent grooming of the professional career 

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