Intelligent Automation is the new navigator

Posted by Mynd Solution
Nov 21, 2022

Enterprise 4.0: Building a predictive Enterprise with Technology

Around the world, business are grappling with the sudden onset of having to digitally transform themselves quickly, accelerated by no small means by the pandemic and the growth of technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Autonomous Processes.

CXO Perspective – Be an Enterprise 4.0

The key challenge is not in the ‘HOW’, but ‘WHEN to embark the journey of Digital Transformation?’, & tipping point is ‘NOW‘ . In the new world order (Post Pandemic) there is realization of the fact that enterprises need to be more resilient than ever & be future ready.

Every business to succeed, in current times needs to imbibe a predictive approach. Predictive analysis helps navigate the direction of the company, its products, pricing, talent, sales etc. Digital Transformation is empowering enterprises in a significant way to use data & generate insights on the go.

Would Nokia who lost the smart phone market have benefitted from being an enterprise 4.0 company? Would the mass of data that flowed, trends that were happening all around have signaled to Nokia that consumer adoption habits were changing? Likewise would WhatsApp have gained such quick popularity had Blackberry with their ubiquitous IM services being able to predict the future effectively?
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