Inside A Man's Mind Why Men Like Black Accessories

Posted by Angel Kenan
May 27, 2017

People think summertime would inspire the guys to dive hand first into bright colored wrist candy, but it is not true. An overwhelming majority of the spring/summer bracelet orders are pretty much the same as the fall/winter orders.

Guys tend to like the black onyx and lava bracelets more than anything else. There can be several reasons like guys simply hate the summer collection or they find it too colorful and too trendy. Several types of research have concluded that men prefer to stick to the basics and not play around with color more.

Often times, complex studies and sample groups are not necessary to determine the behavior of customers. Sometimes, people do things for very obvious reasons. When it rains, they retreat indoors. When they're hungry, they eat. When they shop, they buy things they like. It doesn't really take a rocket scientist to get to those conclusions.

Assuming that a customer is logical and rational, he will purchase items that he likes and that suit his personal style. If male customers overwhelmingly purchase black accessories, it can be reasonably determined that they like these items because they suit the customers' personal style and taste. Simply people buy what they like, and they like black accessories.

Here are some facts about why men like black accessories:

1)It is easy: It matches everything and requires a little thought to pair with other accessories. They just put it on and go.

2)It is safe: When concerned about dress codes, black is usually a good choice.

3)It is quiet: It is understated and doesn't beg for attention.

4)It is timeless: Being trendy is expensive. Seasonal items look dated once the trend is over. So men buy black and it stands the test of time. It never looks dated or out of style.

5)It is masculine and signifies power: Wearing black is an easy way to increase the manliness factor. Batman wears black. Presidents of nations wear black. CEOs wear black.

6) Black is professional: One can get away with black accessories even in an upscale office environment.

7) Black is mysterious: It suggests that a man doesn't readily reveal too much about himself. If someone wants to know about him, they'll have to roll up their sleeves and do some research.

Checkout our Black Edition Angelor. We have black crown beaded bracelets, black onyx bead bracelets, lava bead bracelet and the most popular lion collection.

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