Increase revenue through creative mobile apps - A must have

Posted by Ken Miller
Jun 20, 2014
Image Despite the undoubted popularity of mobile usage as well as mobile apps, some business still ponder whether creating apps for their business is a must-do thing or not, due to the expense and complications involved. However, the recent figures can vouch for the fact that the pains taken for the development are certainly worth it. According to recent survey, 45.8% consumers declared that they bought items since the app in their mobile caused them to actually visit the store in the first place. In fact, in 2013’s Black Friday, more than 50% shoppers did their shopping through mobile devices. These figures are staggering, necessitating the need to harness this potential.

Effective mobile strategy and creative apps are thus the need of the day. However, just a great app does not necessarily translate into great revenue since the app must be promoted well; also the customers must be offered great reasons so that they download it in the first place. So, here are some ways and features that should be included in the applications so that they generate maximum revenues.

mobile app development, offshore mobile application development, hire mobile app programmersRecommendations instead of ads- When using apps, most people get really irritated when they are disturbed right in the middle of something by some ads. This is especially true in case of banner ads which take up a lot of space. Very few people seldom click those ads, so it is best to avoid them completely. Instead of such ads, it is best to go for recommendations. The recommendation engines are improved on a regular basis so that the best suited ads are provided to specific users which might lead to high conversion rates. It actually makes better sense. In fact the various formats of the ads that you give should be mixed and matched so that they are just right.

Smarter push notifications- Conventional advertising cannot suffice as a factor for driving up revenues. Smartphones has made it possible for you to be connected with your customers on the go, so it is best to take advantage of that situation. Push notifications allow retailers to use targeted messaging so that customers can be driven to use their store. Use the notifications for sending of updates such as upcoming sales, stock notices or shipment status.

Allowing mobile orders- Now this is the main aim of any mobile app- generating revenues and what could be more direct than allowing them to carry on their transactions through the applications. According to the data mentioned earlier most customers prefer this method of shopping, so it has become almost must that apps allow this.

Creating internal apps- Internal apps help employees so that better customer service can be delivered. These should include features like complimentary lines, latest product information, etc which would motivate browsers to convert into buyers. This lends you an edge over normal procedures of selling, in which the sale is totally dependent on the competency of the sales person; if he or she is not competent enough you would lose a potential customer. But in this case, the browsers will get all the needed information and more from the apps.

Loyalty rewards- This time-tested method can help you multiply your business through your app. Introduce the mobile loyalty program so that the frequent shoppers can be rewarded without any extra hassles. This takes the minimal effort but sales can be increased just through the mobile devices of users.

Businesses today must focus on the various facets of mobile applications so that they can reap full benefits. It is not simply about putting countless ads; there should be a good as well as matured business strategy in place in combination with creativity. Unless that happens it will be difficult for them to increase their revenue or deliver great ROI. To get maximum benefits of mobile apps, you may consider hiring services of a certified mobile app development company.

We provide offshore mobile application development services. If you would like to hire mobile app programmers for your projects, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.
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