Important Things to Know for Action Figure Collectors

Posted by Ozzie Collectables
Aug 22, 2020
An action figurine could be a toy figure of a personality from any film, book, video game, or program. The figures are usually made out of plastic and are collected by both children and adults. The term action figure was coined by Hasbro in 1964 when it was marketing G.I. Joes to young boys. Once the mold is prepared, these figures are painted in great detail with acrylic colors to make them look realistic.

Sizes of Action Figures

Action figure super heroes are available in multiple sizes and shapes. Manufacturers, however, favor maintaining some common scale ratios. A scale refers to the ratio of the figure’s size to that of an actual human figure. For a typical reference, the approximate height of the human figure that is taken into account is 6 feet. Therefore, a six feet tall action figure will have a 1:1 ratio. Some of the commonly followed scales are as follows:

- 1:4 (18”) – This can be one of the largest sizes, and these figures often have real hair and costumes encrusted on them.
- 1:6 (12”) – This size has nostalgic value for action figure collectors as this was the size of the primary G.I Joe figure.
- 1:9 (8”) – This is often amongst the most popular sizes, and some of the world’s greatest action heroes have been made accordingly.
- 1:10 (7”) – In current times, several action figures are being produced in this size. However, it's more common for a collector’s display than for children to play.
- 1:12 (5-6”) – Superhero movies that were made in the 90s have their iconic figures rebuilt in this size.
- 1:18 (4”) – The unbeatable Star Wars series was made in this size.
- 1:48 (2”) – These miniature figurines are increasingly becoming a huge favorite amongst action figure collectors.
How to Clean Your Action Figures?

Sometimes you could possiblybuy your coveted action figure online after a long time, but it might be covered in some dirt and grime. Or maybe with time, your very own collection of action figures lose their newness. Here is how you should clean them:

- Collect a soft-bristled toothbrush and liquid soap without moisturizer.
- Soak the figure in some warm water for approximately 5 minutes. This will dissolve most of the dirt.
- Put some soap on the toothbrush and gently scrub the figure while it is still wet.
- Put it back after proper soaping, into the bowl of warm water.
- Rinse thoroughly to scrub off the soap and use a paper towel to dab it dry.

Where to Display Your Action Figures?

  • Glass Cabinets- Decorate these cabinets with LED strips and keep your action figures in a museum-like setup.
  • Bookcases- It is specific to the room where you want to display your dolls.
  • Floating Shelves- If you wish for a customized place for your action figures, these shelves can be fitted on any wall.
  • Display Cases- Action Figure Super heroes that are rare to find or are your personal favorites can be placed in these cases, which have inbuilt lights and look quite exotic.

Popular Action Figure Collections  

- Marvel Legends
- DC Universe Classics
- Super Powers
- Spider-Man Classics
- Teenage Mutant Ninja
- Batman: Animated Series

Maintaining your collection of action figures is almost as important as gathering them from multiple stores and sources. It is advisable to keep them away from direct light, especially if you are collecting action figures in Australia. Avoid the bright sun and have a cool, dry storage facility, which can also act as a wonderful spot for display.
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