Importance of Formal and Informal Assessment Feedback in Dissertation

Posted by Albert Barkley
Dec 16, 2021

Assessment is an important part of education. It helps teachers and parents in identifying how students are performing within their studies. In contrast, students are also able to know their study’s worth through this aspect. Teachers assess students in different ways. They use it to gauge learning pattern of the students. They observe which pattern helps in increasing their learning aspects. It doesn’t matter in which standard the students read. This is because dissertation assessment is vital for all levels of education. The thesis also requires an assessment from teachers. Research work covers a large part of the grades. Teachers use different ways to assess their students. Assessment may be conducted timely, or on a daily basis. We divide assessment into two types: formal and informal. In this article, we are going to understand both types. 

Formal Assessment

Formal assessment refers to a specific venue and time. It also refers to the strict rules that have to be followed. This assessment has set standards that are to be followed. For example, students have to take the amount of percentage to pass the exam. Mathematical values are used to define the results. For example, Paul achieves the highest marks in exams. He scores 98% marks in his exam. For the thesis, his base grades remain the same. He has to defend the thesis well for passing the exams. If he passes the exam, he will be eligible for getting good grades.

This use of this assessment technique is easy. It makes it easy to measure performance of the students. Formal assessment makes evaluation easy. This is because students have to follow specific standards. It is not time taking because you try to judge students on a defined platform. It also sets a tag on the students’ research. They have to complete their work before the assessment time. This time limit doesn’t allow students to get distracted. Students are not able to complain to the teachers either. The assessment team includes a neutral person who has to grade the student based on performance. Students work hard to make their research the best. They know that if they don’t do standard work, the external examiner will reject their submission. Formal assessment plays a crucial role in engaging the students with their work. In contrast, every day is not Sunday.

There is a chance that students might not be able to perform well in the exams. Due to some emergency, they may not be able to prepare for the assessment. Examiners have no concerns about all that. They even don’t know the struggle of students for getting good grades. They judge the student on assessment day within a specific time and submission. Formal assessments lead the students. They work hard and take stress to meet the standards of this assessment. Besides, this assessment is the standard to ensure proper work’s submission. It shows that the thesis meets international standards. This assessment also makes a student’s work presentable to the society. That’s why formal assessment is acceptable on every scale, and in every country.

Informal Assessment

Informal assessment is not limited to the place and time. It means that it includes every type of assessment that can be practiced on a regular basis. It includes quizzes, assignments, and games among other types. All types of class activities are included in it. For example, teachers assess the students’ performance on a daily basis. They check whether they have started improving or not. They also assess if they work on a daily basis or not. Teachers may also prepare a checklist for the research work. In this checklist, they may divide the work into different periods. Teachers may also ensure that they meet their goals at a specific time. This kind of assessment and feedback of the teachers is important. Research is a lengthy process. This checklist helps students in completing the research on time. Teachers check and guide them about their performance. They also guide them on how to improve their work. This daily activity makes students able for completing their work on time. 

Teachers and students have personal types of relations. Informal assessment is not bound with and place. This is also because teachers know their students. They meet on a daily basis to assess the work. This process crafts the work in an effective manner. It is good for both students, and the teachers. They decide the time of the meeting, and assess the work. Teachers also give feedback to the students. Moreover, they give some suggestions that the students can follow. Students take this assessment in a positive manner and don’t feel any stress. They know that this process improves their work. This process creates a strong bond between the teachers and students. It helps the teachers in achieving positive results.

Students remain on track due to this method. Teachers also use a flexible approach to deal with the students. Teachers can guide students on how to do things in a better way. Students also share their views with the teachers. Informal assessment helps students in making their work better with time. Some students raise questions on biased behaviour of the teachers. People at times criticise this type of assessment. This is because its result does not communicate in the form of numbers. 


Assessment is an important element of the educational system. It is crucial for both teachers and the students. It’s a significant increase in the research work. Formal assessment checks students on specific dates and times. The results are in the form of mathematical numbers. Performance of students are compared by using these numbers. For thesis work, this process connects the students with work. The time limit is like a time bomb for the students. They work hard to complete their work in this time. But informal assessments are not bound with time and place. In this type of an assessment, teachers help students in completing the research on time. Students also learn a lot of things from this process. Hence, both types of assessments bring forward to their own benefits. They are applicable in different types of situations.

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