Importance Of Dedicated Server Hosting For Business

Posted by james Smith
Jul 22, 2019

It is, indisputably, the era of start-ups. Long gone are the times when a college degree was essential to get a job, a salary and a life. Now, all one needs is an idea and the will to bring it to fruition. What all start-ups require are followers and users, people who use and promote the app or the product, and the fastest way to build this formidable army is the online presence and websites. A website is the fastest, reliable and most affordable representative of the company or product, and the backbone of this website that holds all the weight and provides all the support is the server.

Server hosting, in a nutshell, is a vast array of services provided to keep your website up and running so that your product can reach the masses. There are basically types of server hosting:-

A shared hosting server is shared among many other websites with a common OS, processing speed, bandwidth, and other factors. It’s the cheapest of the three options, but also very unsafe. It may also lead to your site slowing down substantially.

Virtual Private Server is a cloud-based hosting. It is shared with only a few other websites, which is a definite improvement over shared hosting. But what must be kept in mind is the storage and the outbound traffic; like if someone adds a music streaming software for a radio show then it should not cross the overall storage.

The crown jewel, however, remains the concept of dedicated hosting. An actual, physical box with its hardware, custom made OS and other software tailored to your needs, full control, a separate direct internet connection, and bandwidth and, not to mention, no slowing down of your website due to someone else’s traffic.

Many companies, like Broadway Infotech, Aussie Webhost Pty Ltd  and Digital Host, provide certain features to help enhance and ease the hosting process, 

  • Cost-effective packages to ensure that the customer’s budget is not breached.

  • Latest, top-of-the-line systems and updates to ensure that your security is never compromised.

  • Easily manageable systems to ensure that there are no high maintenance requirements.

Imagine that you’re playing a real-time online game like Battlefield, Halo or COD and you suddenly get booted from the server or the game develops a lag and one moment you are shooting enemies and in the next the screen shows ‘GAME OVER’- no one would play such a game. Thus, dedicated servers, most importantly, provide security and assurance of the smooth functioning of the website. An entire server supports only a single website and thus takes over all the load.

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