
Ice Cream for Dogs Is a Thing and Your Dog Wants Some

by Micheal M. I'm a professional Writer

 Who doesn't like to have a nice cup or crunchy cone of ice cream on a hot summer day? No one, right? That's how popular ice cream really is. Whether it's a delicious scoop of chocolate or a scrumptious scoop of strawberry, no one can ever say no to it.

Dogs shouldn't be left behind on the fun either. If dogs could speak, one of the first things they'd probably say would be, "Let's go and get some ice cream!"

Dogs can actually have a bit of ice cream, but there are some things you definitely need to look out for when giving them ice cream to have. Let's take a look at what those factors are.

How Much Ice Cream is Too Much Ice Cream for Dogs?

A couple of licks of the last bit of your ice cream wouldn't hurt but giving your dog ice cream too often and treating it like a regular snack is not a wise thing to do. Hence, only treat an ice cream as an occasional left over given to your dog. Otherwise, you dog can develop a lot of problems that can cause some serious issues.

Why Can't Dogs Have a Lot of Ice Cream?

Dogs' digestive systems simply cannot break down the enzymes in ice cream since it's made from dairy products, and these are known to trigger lactose intolerance in dogs.

You can't help but enjoy looking at your dog enjoying licking away some ice cream, but it can develop the following problems shortly afterward:

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Loose stools

  •  Bloating

As a dog lover, it's your responsibility to look after your dog's needs and see what they can handle and what they cannot.

No Ice Cream for Pups with Underlying Health Conditions

Some dogs can't have ice cream at all! They may have diabetes or other issues like obesity, so they should definitely be kept away from ice cream and other dairy products.

Showing your dog a good time doesn't necessarily end at a cup of ice cream. At theDogHood, you can find a whole dog community. From dog training and socialization to heartwarming stories of dogs, you can find everything there.

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