
How to wear stylish casual shirts for men

by mohit Pathak Zobello

Who does not love a nicely designed casual printed shirt right? Casual shirts are comfy, at the same time easy to maintain and if you can wear it right paying attention to few shirt basics, then you will also look great without much effort. To be honest who even enjoys wearing fitted suits every day, other than Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl. Currently, comfortable, casual and easy is the way to dress and women love it! And for such occasions you should try and hunt for best online shopping ideas.

Find the sweet middle ground between way too formal and way too casual (like a Hawaiian floral printed shirt) for your casual look. The rule of thumb should be, it is more formal than a t-shirt, but less than a blazer or a jacket! You can find the best slim fit shirts online at the popular shopping sites. Make sure you pick the ones that you can style in different ways, may be pair it with jeans, chinos or simple trousers. Keep it tucked in or untucked when you are simply out shopping with friends or are meeting someone at a café.

Most fashion experts reveal that men should possess three basic casual shirts, no matter how minimalist may he be. They are quite simply – one black, one white and one navy! Now you may go for some other colors as you like, but we recommend not going too overboard with quirky designs or too busy looking prints.

Make sure your casual shirt fits!

This is one of the most important aspects of wearing casual shirts, as it can make or break your look. Just remember that casual shirts are meant to fit differently from dress shirts. You can get one of the following three types of fit – 1. Slim Fit, 2. Relaxed Fit, 3. Skinny Fit. 

While all of the three might seem like the same one, but beware of the skinny fit in case of shirts. The skinny fit may often highlight the wrong parts of your upper body and that is not a pretty sight to behold.

While that should be avoided, you can choose between relaxed and slim fit depending on the nature of your physique. If you have been hitting the gym lately and want to show off your lean physique, then opt for the slim fit and take it to glory. But if you have been a little too liberal with happy hour beer servings, then simply opt for the comfort fit and it will definitely make you look slimmer!

Fabric of casual shirts:

The whole point of a casual Linen shirt for men is to be comfortable, so you must pay equal attention to the fabric as you did for the fit. Go for the fabrics that are light and breathable and low maintenance.

Now you may ask how to ensure a fabric is breathable in the rush of shopping. Simply trying it on may not be the best way to tell! So, here is a tip simply try to breathe through the Checked shirt for men fabric by putting your mouth close to it, if you face resistance to your passing breathe through the fabric, then it’s definitely not breathable! 

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About mohit Pathak Advanced   Zobello

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Joined APSense since, June 14th, 2016, From New Delhi, India.

Created on Nov 17th 2017 04:36. Viewed 622 times.


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