How to Troubleshoot Norton Error Code 40383?
Norton is anti-malware software developed by the Symantec Corporations, using the heuristics and the signatures method for the identification of the viruses on the device. The Norton antivirus has the threat detection ability and it runs in the background to scan all your files as well as your system for protecting it from the harmful online threats. The software prevents the viruses, worms, spyware, adware, bots and the rootkits from attacking the device. The Norton antivirus software is compatible with both Windows operating system as well as the mac OS.
There are a number of other advanced features that add up to the performance of the antivirus software. Some of them are as follows:
- Multiple application scans
- Malware protection
- Pre-emptive protection
- Speedy protection
Sometimes, the antivirus software doesn’t work properly and making the device prone to virus attacks. Now-a-days, one of the most common errors faced by the users is Norton error code 40383. When the error occurs the various messages displayed on the screen are as follows:
- “Norton Error Code 40383 not found.”
- “Norton Error Code 40383, Access Violation.”
- “Can’t discover %PROGFILES64%\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\Norton Error Code 40383.”
Some of the common symptoms of the Norton error code 40383 are as follows:
- Freezing of the Windows system
- Slow PC performance
- Blue screen errors
- Installation errors
- Locking up of the program
- Shutdown or startup issues
Some of the reasons why this error is faced by the users are as follows:
- Malware or spyware infection
- Improper software installation
- Windows errors like registry errors and Active X issues
- Corrupted system file
- Inappropriate shutdown of the system
Apart from these, the Norton error 40383 could also occur due to the harmful Windows file system. The reason behind the occurrence of these Windows file system is the incomplete installation of the any program. These file system errors may prevent the computer from functioning properly by erasing certain sections of the OS causing a wrong connected data.
By following the below step wise procedure, the users could resolve the Norton error code 40383 easily. The steps are as follows:
- Click Start menu >> Programs >> Accessories >> System tools.
- Now, click system Restore.
- Select “Reestablish my PC to a prior time” in the new window and then select “Next”.
- From the “on this list, click a reestablish point”, select the latest system for reestablishing the system point.
- On the confirmation window, click “Next”.
- On completing the restoration process, restart the device.
After following the aforementioned troubleshooting steps, if the problem still persists, contact customer support team.
Maria Williams is a renowned technical writer. She has been keeping a stern concern over the updates and errors of various anti-virus and security software. Through her blogs and articles, she strives to deliver the information in order to make awareness about the updates and error fixing methods.
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