How to save money

Posted by Karen Christine
Jun 11, 2020

Lately, my wife and I have asked ourselves a question: How to save money? 

Then we took on a rather crazy challenge: we tried to save as much money as possible.

No, we have not switched to hermit mode but we are trying to make some changes to our way of life so as not to waste unnecessary money that does not need to be spent.

Thus, we mainly try to save money in order to be able to repay a large part of our current property credit. We also want to start investing more and can be buying a house.

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We save money in many other ways than the ones I will explain below. However, the ones I'm going to tell you about are the most important areas and this has saved us every month.


We eat less at the restaurant


I've talked about it in the past, but I've never gone into it. We didn't go out every week to the restaurant but we liked to go there from time to time. Obviously this is not free.

I estimate that we currently save about€ 150 a month by not eating as much at the restaurant. We always love going out and we use the LaFourchette app to get great deals and nice discounts!

My wife and I go out less to the restaurant and eat more at home. We also plan, as much as possible, our meals and do batch cooking. Do you know him? No? We cook on Sundays to prepare all our meals for the week. It takes us between 1h30 and 2h to prepare our meals for the whole week! Great, isn't it? For ideas, we will look at the site of Sandra: cusine-addict. In addition, we no longer waste food and this has also helped us reduce our spending.

We shop with a list and stick to the list as much as possible. We no longer have the amount of food waste we used to have. I think I once read a statistic that every Frenchman throws an average of about 29 kg of food a year!


How to save money? We're emptying our food closet


One of the effective ways to save money on shopping this month is to clean your pantry. 

We practically emptied our closet and freezer. We prepared our meals with what we already had at home. I was tired of always having food that will serve in case of troubleshooting or to make certain dishes twice a year. This takes up space for nothing and some products become damaged or obsolete. We had a lot of cans and our mission was to empty the closet.

I'm sure some of you recognize each other. You to your closets are full and your freezer too. War can come, you are ready!

At one point, I think we had about 10 different packages of pasta. That's ridiculous. We are not a supermarket and can only have a huge choice depending on what we want to eat. It's up to us to adapt.

Now I think we only have a few cans left and we only have 3 choices of pasta. We have room in our closets!

I think we probably saved about € 100 by emptying our closet and freezer. It's a lot, but there was a lot of food, and I'm sure you have it too. This can be a very easy way to learn how to save money.

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