How To Plan Your Work Week According To Astrology

Posted by Raj Sharma
Feb 23, 2024

If you've found yourself feeling strangely down on a Sunday night in preparation for Monday, learning how to arrange your work week using astrology could be one of the methods by which you can unleash the greatest version of yourself throughout your 9-to-5. Every day has a matching celestial body, and by paying a little extra focus on the finer points woven into the cosmic mix that is a week, you can surprise your coworkers. Here, we will not only see advice on how to organize your work week based on astrology, but we will also see the colors that can boost your productivity.


Simply said, Monday is the Day of the Moon, often known as Moon Day. Regardless of your gender, the moon regulates our feelings and a more feminine style of living. This day is for a slower way of living, intuitive planning, and improving for the upcoming week rather than diving right in and attempting to make everything happen all at once. If you look good in whites and arrange some fresh white flowers on your desk, Mama Moon will be all over you.


Tuesday, also known as the Day of Tiw, is Mars, the German Deity of War. Indeed, it's a day to control your temper, but it's also a day to roll up your sleeves and get hands dirty—that is, to carry out your plans. Imagine a sunset on Mars to support this energetic spirit. Naturally, your color scheme consists of burned orange, blazing orange, and red tones combined with earthy hues to soften that feisty feeling.


Wednesday is known as Mercury's Day of Woden, or Odin. Send out those emails, clean up your inbox, work on your communication skills, move forward with your marketing strategies, and do something that involves thinking critically, problem-solving, and effective communication. All shades and tints of green will provide you with the steadiness and grounded focus you need to hit the target. Moreover, if you want more understanding, then you can free talk to an astrologer online.


Thursday, also known as the Day of Thor or Jupiter. This heavenly body is known for its many qualities, which include growth, expansion, wealth, good fortune, and healing. Don't forget to keep your creative journal close at hand—especially today—and don't ignore those insights. Wear your warmest yellow clothing, and always remember to have a smile with you to keep an abundance of sunshine close at hand.

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Friday is also known as Venus's Day or the Day of Frigga. Consider beauty, wealth, manifestation, elegance, cash, love, and self-worth, and you'll have a prepared list of tasks for the coming day. Today could be a great day to take care of yourself, go over your bank statements, accounts, and sales logs, and maybe even clean out your closet. Even in the smallest ways, bring beauty into your life, and watch the way it manages to attract more of it. From soft pink to blazing red, show Lady Venus your unique style.


Saturn's Day, or Saturday. Discipline and consistency are essential. Review the previous week's activities and write down any suggestions you have for improving the situation on this day. What makes a task successfully done and what needs closer attention to detail? Use the principles you've learned with precision. You should wear black today because, well, it's Saturday night.


Day of the Sun, or Sunday. Today, take control of your life. Always remember to shine brightly and do what makes you feel wonderful. As the sun represents the masculine creative power as well, take a moment for yourself to think about and create plans for the upcoming week while you keep on hopping around your comfortable, sunny, and warm fields. Make it bold with your color selections for today; including some gold touches will let you more easily embrace the sun's energy.


Now, you can plan your week perfectly with the help of astrology. Each day has a connection to a deity. Therefore, by knowing their favorable color and attire, you can get their blessings. Additionally, for more and better information contact an astrologer.

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