How to make a simple and reliable small investment

Posted by Oleksandr M.
Jul 11, 2016
Dear friends!
Many of yours have lost their money in various risky programs.
I suggest you to invest in real online project. This new crowdfunding platform Darysvit.
Crowdfunding is a branch of collective funding that is constantly growing and experts predict will grow to 2022-year.
I have sponsored the creation of the site and foundation of the legal Polish company Daryswiat.
Please note that similar platforms now have 800 thousand - 1.2 million dollars turnover per day. As an example - indiegogo.
Let your donation will be a loan. I will bring it on 1 November this year on the following conditions:
For $1 I will turn $5.
Over $5 will turn $
For $20 I will turn $40.
For $50 I will 
turn $80.
For $100 I will 
turn $150.
There is another option. It's about business. December 15 for three years I will share 5% of net profit for my business among donors of the project.
It may be less, maybe more. You choose.

You can give funds through legal platform here.
If you do not need to return the funds and donate $ 50 or more - we will send you to 25 December artificial Christmas tree from my friend that owns producti1on.

UPDATE: In recent days, we raised $140.
List investors are now: 
1. Marek M., 
2. Cindy B., 
3. Isabelle E., 
4. Alan S.
5. Gregg T.
6. ...You?
Some donors ask another way to send money. This can be PayPal.
I appreciate my partners and investors. I will answer all your questions.
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Comments (2)
Adil Riaz

Web Designer & Developer

You can invest in commodities trading v.i.a Forex Trading

Jul 22, 2016 Like it
Mahaveer Rathore

Digital marketing

contact me this number +91-8290820133

Jul 13, 2016 Like it
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