How to make a Mod for Farming Simulator 21

Posted by Simulator Mods
Dec 22, 2019
If you would like to try to create your own Farming Simulator 21 mod, but need more information on how to do it, this is the right place to be. We will give you a clear step-by-step guide on what to do.

Let’s begin by answering the question: who will benefit from this guide? We would like to help those who would like to try to create a Farming Simulator 21 mod but have not done it before. We are not going to talk about how to edit a mod or create a map.

Before you begin, please bear in mind that the process of making a Farming Simulator 2021 mod is a lengthy one, so you shouldn’t expect quick results…

If you would like to know how long it might take, there is no definite answer. It depends very much on how long you can afford to spend on analyzing how to create FS 21 mods. For example, if you are willing to spend a few hours per week, you may need to dedicate approximately six months to become sufficiently skilled…

Yes, it may seem like a really long time. However, you need to be patient, because learning to make Farming Simulator 21 mods is an activity that will pay off in the end. Once you’ve nailed it, your possibilities will be limitless!

If you need something to keep you motivated, remember, that if you begin learning now, in a few months you will already have enough skills to make all sorts of mods, such as the missing equipment and various types of machinery.
Farming Simulator 21 3D Models

3D Model is a key part of this guide. Would you like to know why? The reason is that everything in the game is 3D. This is why every for FS 21 mod you will need some 3D modeling skills. and you have a tool that is extremely handy in such cases – Blender. This software is free of charge and is simply indispensable. Do not be afraid – you will need time to figure out how it works, so don’t rush and take it easy at the start. It may happen so that it will take a few weeks for you to get comfortable with it, but once you learn how to use it, things will go smoothly.
And we can cheer you up by assuring you that you are not alone in the process – there are plenty of tutorials that you can check out and learn from, and eventually you will become a pro in Blender and be able to use it for making Farming Simulator 21 mods, so don’t hesitate to take this opportunity!

We advise that you begin with Blender’s official introduction videos. From these videos you can learn quite a few essential aspects:

Get to know the user interface
Learn to select objects
Learn to add or remove objects
Get acquainted with model meshes
Learn to edit meshes
Intro to extrusion function
Learn to use edge loops and loop cuts

If your goal is to get ahead in creating FS 21 mods fast, a few topics should be of particular interest to you. Those topics are introduction and modeling.

Press here to access Blender guides for beginners.
Also, Blender Guru may turn out to be very helpful to you, so take the time to look at it.
It’s all about Practicing modding for Farming Simulator 21

If you really intend to create your own Farming Simulator 2021 mod, you absolutely must learn to use Blender. This is where everyone begins when it some to creating something right from the start.

We recommend that you start with simple objects, for example, a barrel. The object itself is not really that important – what you need is practice. Try to remember the steps you need to take, what are the shortcuts you can use, etc.

Do not be too ambitious with your first Farming Simulator 21 mod project. What you should concentrate on is the process rather than the result. as you keep getting better, your creations will improve as well.
Optimization of Mods for Farming Simulator 21

You probably understand that it matters a lot how powerful your console or computer is. You have a choice of plenty of different specifications, this is why Giants faces a significant challenge in meeting the requirements of all sorts of devices. This is also true when it comes to FS 21 mods – ideally, there should be no difference what type of computer you use because all Farming Simulator 2021 modifications should be suitable for a variety of circumstances. Pay attention to this aspect when making your own mods.
Avoiding Lagging on Farming Simulator 21

When you begin to make your first very own Farming Simulator 21 mod, optimization is crucial in order to prevent various lags. You must admit that it’s super frustrating when you have reduced performance because of modifications. This occurs frequently because players use too many details when modeling. This is why it is a good idea to work with not too many resources, such as different parts or textures. Of course, you may feel tempted to make your model fancier by adding various details, however, it will not work well once you upload those embellishments to the game.

This is in fact among the biggest challenge those who make FS 2021 mods: you will have to find the right equilibrium between modeling inspiring 3D designs and respecting the optimization recommendations.
Regulations for creating Farming Simulator 21 mods

If you would like to take a look at the best mods created, check out Giants’ Modhub. The majority of FS 21 mods that you see there have been verified by Giants’ team and could be exemplary in terms of mod quality and compliance with the strictest requirements. Checking them out is a good way to improve your Farming Simulator 21 mods creating skills.

There is a set of guidelines that will help you to ensure that your mod is of top quality. These rules are available in Modhub and we strongly recommend that you respect them, because this will help you make your FS 21 mod function smoothly and make it popular in the community.

In fact, there is one regulation that we like and we want to tell you about – Polycount. You really need to observe it if you wish to make a high-quality mod!

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