
How to hire the best website hosting company in Carrollton Texas

by Mike McLeland Webmaster
Like buying a car or a new computer, choosing the best web host in Carrollton, Texas can be a very challenging dilemma, especially for people who are a bit unfamiliar with the landscape of the market. There are so many variables to take into account that it can be quite overwhelming at times.

However, there are some key characteristics to look for in a web host, and if you get a good handle on these aspects, you’ll be golden. Looking for the perfect website host is just as much about the site as it is the host, so be certain to research potential hosts as diligently as possible.

1.    Consider your needs

A lot of would-be webmasters fall to the error of premature optimization. Like the man who buys a four wheel drive truck because he might one day take up hunting, some webmasters tend to overestimate their future needs. It’s natural to want the best, but it’s important to keep in mind that you’re not marrying your web host, you’re just working with them. Your expected traffic and bandwidth requirements are the most important considerations when selecting a web host, so be sure that you have an idea of what you’re looking at and stay within your means. You can always upgrade your hosting later if you find out that you need more of something.

2.    Uptime

You want a reliability (percent uptime) of no less than 99%. It seems like a high requirement, but what if for every hundred visitors you got, one wasn’t able to access it? What if that number were out of 10,000? That’s 100 people who got bounced, which never reflects well on the website.

3.    Data transfer / bandwidth

A lot of hosts boast “unlimited” bandwidth, but actually, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. In reality, they pay for their bandwidth, and will pass the cost onto you after a certain point. For sites that use a lot of bandwidth, “unlimited” can become “limited” pretty quickly. Be aware of hidden fees, especially if you expect to scale in the future.

4.    Storage Space

Much like bandwidth transfer, storage space is also something that’s often offered in huge or even unlimited amounts as a way to entice people to sign up. However, unlike bandwidth, for most websites, storage just isn’t that important. Unless your site is going to be storing audio or video files, chances are it just won’t take up that much space—probably less than 30 megabytes. There are likely many other considerations that will end up being more important to you than having huge amounts of storage.

5.    Other technical offerings

Web hosts offer a lot, so make sure you take a look at their offerings for different programming languages, FTP access, and other things. Depending on your needs, all of these can be quite important.

6.    The price!

You didn’t think we would forget that, did you? The bottom line is that you want to be sure that you are getting the best bang for your buck. If you understand your needs and what each host offers, it’s easy to see which host will work best for you. There might not be the “ah ha!” moment that comes when you settle on the perfect alternative, but knowing all avenues certainly leads to informed decisions.

Measure twice, cut once. Picking the perfect website host is as much about the site as it is about the host. Take advantage of the fact that you are in control of your decisions, and make the most of the research that you conduct. Make sure that you do your due diligence before taking the plunge, and you won’t regret your decision.


For any questions, please contact North Texas Web Design – we love answering client questions!

Author Bio:  North Texas Web Design - Professional, Custom, Affordable and Creative Web Design, Web Site Maintenance, Search Engine Optimization and Web Hosting. For residents in North Texas and Carrollton web design demands great Customer Service