How to Format Negative, Long, and Special Numbers in Excel?

Posted by Divya Jain
Feb 12, 2018
Image Microsoft Excel is a tool which is used to manage & store data.

Designing Numbers in Excel Overview

Negative Number Format Options in the Microsoft Excel Format Cells Dialog Box

Data on particular number configurations can be found on the accompanying pages:

Page 1: Negative numbers (underneath);

Page 2: Display decimal numbers as portions;

Page 3: Special numbers - postal districts and telephone number organizing;

Page 4: Formatting long numbers -, for example, Visa numbers - as content.

Number arranging in Excel is utilized to change the presence of a number or incentive in a cell in the worksheet.

Number organizing is joined to the cell and not to the incentive in the cell. As it were, number arranging does not change the real number in the cell, but rather simply the way it shows up.

Negative Number Formatting:

Of course, negative numbers are recognized utilizing the negative sign or dash ( - ) to one side of the number. Exceed expectations has a few other organization alternatives for showing negative numbers situated in the Format Cells exchange box. These include:

red content

round sections

round sections and red content

Changing Negative Number Formatting in the Format Cells Dialog Box:

Feature the information to be organized

Tap on the Home tab of the strip

Tap on the exchange box launcher - the little descending pointing bolt in the base right corner of the Number symbol assemble on the lace to open the Format Cells discourse box

Tap on Number under the Category segment of the discourse box

Pick a possibility for showing negative numbers - red, sections, or red and sections

Snap OK to close the exchange box and come back to the worksheet

Negative esteems in the chose information should now be arranged with the picked choices.

Formatting Numbers as Fractions in Microsoft Excel:

Configuration First, Data Second

Generally, it is best to apply the division organization to cells before entering the information to maintain a strategic distance from surprising outcomes.

For instance, if portions with numerators in the vicinity of one and 12 -, for example, 1/2 or 12/64 - are gone into cells with the General organization, the numbers will be changed into dates, for example,

1/2 will be returned as 2-Jan

12/64 will be returned as Jan-64 (January, 1964)

Also, portions with numerators more noteworthy than 12 will be changed over into content, and may cause issues if utilized as a part of counts.

Configuration Numbers as Fractions in the Format Cells Dialog Box

Feature the cells to be designed as portions

Tap on the Home tab of the strip

Tap on the exchange box launcher - the little descending pointing bolt in the base right corner of the Number symbol amass on the strip to open the Format Cells discourse box

Tap on Fraction under the Category area of the discourse box to show the rundown of accessible divisions arranges on the correct hand side of the exchange box

Pick an arrangement for showing decimal numbers as portions from the rundown

Snap OK to close the discourse box and come back to the worksheet

Decimal numbers went into the organized range ought to be shown as parts

Formatting Special Numbers in Excel:

Utilizing Special Formatting for Numbers in the Format Cells Dialog Box

Feature the cells to be designed as parts

Tap on the Home tab of the lace

Tap on the discourse box launcher - the little descending pointing bolt in the base right corner of the Number symbol aggregate on the strip to open the Format Cells exchange box

Tap on Special under the Category area of the discourse box to show the rundown of accessible extraordinary arrangements on the correct hand side of the exchange box

On the off chance that fundamental, tap on the Locale alternative to change areas

Pick one of the configuration alternatives for showing unique numbers from the rundown

Snap OK to close the discourse box and come back to the worksheet

Proper numbers went into the organized range ought to be shown as with the chosen uncommon configuration.

Formatting Numbers as Text in Excel:

Arranging a Cell for Text

Similarly as with different arrangements, it is critical to organize the phone for content information before entering the number - else, it will be influenced by the present cell designing.

Tap on the cell or select a scope of cells that you need to change over to content configuration

Tap on the Home tab of the lace

Tap on the down bolt by the Number Format box - shows General naturally - to open the drop down menu of organization choices

Look to the base of the menu and tap on the Text choice - there are no extra alternatives for content arrangement.

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