How To Cure Anal Fistula Permanently?

Posted by Glamyo Health
Sep 13, 2021

A fistula is a passage from a hollow or tube to another tissue on the body. 90% of all fistulas are anorectal fistulas. Surgery may be required to repair a fistula, but changes in lifestyles may have a great impact to cure Anal Fistula permanently and avoid its recurrence. Drinking more water and eating a balanced diet can help prevent constipation. Wearing soft, absorbent pads will make you not worry about the leakage of any blood, pus or fluids out from your fistula.

The first step to prevent infection is to maintain good personal hygiene. The maintenance of a healthy diet and the consumption of food rich in omega-3, omega-6 and vitamin C, such as fish, olive oil and citrus fruit, will contribute to strengthening the immune system to avoid infection. Try to exercises such as slow walking.

Fistula is more common in adults than children. There is a high risk of anal fistula in perianal abscess patients. If you are in a high risk of getting fistula or you have Crohn’s disease, a CT scan indicates the inflammatory stage before the possible formation of a fistula, and it also displays abscess cavities to determine whether surgery is required. Treatment is provided by a number of medical procedures such: Fistulotomy, Laser surgery, LIFT procedure, Advancement flap procedure, Seton techniques, Endoscopic ablation, Fibrin glue, Bioprosthetic plug.

The most common treatment of fistulas is Laser treatment. This process will remove the fistula and any pus or fluid gathering in it using a laser. Laser treatment for fistula is the most safe, easiest and fastest cure. The best surgery to Cure Anal fistula permanently is laser treatment. It's a painless treatment and usually takes less than an hour to treat. On the same day after treatment, the patient can go home. Since no incisions or cuts are made, there is no chance of infection. This modern treatment provides the patient with an easy, pain free fistula cure that provides immediate relief.

Symptoms of an anal fistula

Symptoms of an anal fistula can include:

  • skin irritation around the anus
  • Constant, throbbing pain which could be worse if you sit, move, poo or cough
  • smelly discharge from near your anus 
  • passing pus or blood when you poop
  • swelling and redness around your anus when you have fever 
  • bowel incontinence in some cases.



  • Previously prevailing anal abscess.
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Trauma
  • Diverticulitis. 
  • Tuberculosis
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Cancer

Permanent Treatment for Fistula

To Cure Anal Fistula permanently first cure the cause of fistula. If you had an anal abscess, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Diverticulitis, Trauma, Tuberculosis, Crohn’s Disease or Cancer; treat them first to Cure Anal Fistula and prevent fistula recurrence. And to never get fistula again take preventive measures. Try to have healthy eating habits, an active lifestyle and sufficient intake of fluids to never get fistula again. Symptoms of fistula should not be ignored. As soon as you notice symptoms, visit your doctor. You should never take medication or try home remedies without medical guidance for such diseases. These diseases also can only be symptoms of a fatal disease such as cancer.

Pain-free laser treatment is a permanent treatment for Anal Fistula. No cuts, stitches or major methods of surgery are involved. In less than one hour, the patient would be cured. Don't waste time and make an appointment as soon as possible to relieve from discomfort and to get healthy soon!

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