How to convert Flip Mino/Flip Ultra video files to mov, dv, avi, mpg, mp3 on Mac

Posted by Snowgirl Tom
Sep 27, 2011
Because of easy to use, easy to carry, easy to take video, and it's usable, the flip camera or flip camcorder cames into more and more families. The videos it takes are very clear, the pictures it takes are very beautiful, that is why we need and love it. It is so likeable for us.

However, it has so much excellent features, it also has some problems. Just like the video we can not import into imovie, itunes, etc. We need to convert flip video to imovie, so we can edit it to what we need. We also need to covnert flip video to iPod, then we can watch it everywhere, but we cannot do this. Because the flip video can not support by iMovie, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, etc. What should we do, and how can we solve these problems?

Flip Video converter for mac, just the great software, with it, we can covnert our flip video to many different format videos, just like flv, asf, 3gp, mpeg-4, mov, m4v, mpg, avi, wmv, etc. Even to other format audio, just like, mp3, ogg, aac, etc. Use Flip Video Converter Mac, we can do what we want, like flip video to iMovie, flip video to iPhone, iPod, iTunes, PSP, Apple TV, Zune, Blackberry, etc. Not only can do this with mac flip video converter, but also can edit/trim/crop our flip video. We can cut the bad part of our flip video, and edit the video like old picture, and so on.

How to convert flip video to avi, mpg, mpeg, wmv, 3gp, dv, vob, mkv, mov, mp4, flv, ipod, imovie, final cut with the powerful Flip Video Covnerter Mac?

Step 1: Add flip video.
Free download our Flip Video Converter for Mac, install and run it, and then click the "Add File" button to import flip video files into mac flip video converter.

Step 2: Select output format which you want.
At the right side of "Profile", you can select the format from the down-list, just select your need format or match your device format.

Trim Flip Video: You can only get the desired segments by setting the start time point and end time point.
Crop Flip Video: Cut the part of the video, just like the blackground.
Edit Flip Video: Do some effects, just like old picture, brightnees, etc.

Step 3: Convert flip videos.
After all settings, just click the "Convert" button to start converting automatically. You can get what you want at the end.
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