How To Choose The Right Hedge For Your Garden

A hedge is an extremely cost effective solution for a border or boundary compared to the expense of fence panels. Due to their natural resistance to outdoor elements, plants will also require less maintenance over the years and last for an incredibly long time. Creating a stunning hedge is a great way to enhance the look of your property and can play a key role in your garden design. Plants can provide a border or screen wherever you like.
Apart from aesthetics, your choice of plants ought to be influenced by any practical considerations you need to address too. When used as a screen, a hedge can provide a great deal of additional privacy and protect any area from being overlooked by prying eyes. In some situations, to achieve the sufficient amount of privacy needed, the screen will need to be reasonably high and a natural hedge creates a far more attractive barrier than manmade screens which can look over imposing at a great height. If you need your hedge for privacy or to screen your own eyes from a particular view or eyesore you do not want to have to look at, you must look for plants that will be able to achieve the right level of density and height you are looking for, in a suitable quantity of time. There are lots of hedge plants that are impossible to penetrate once they are fully established, making them an excellent deterrent to intruders, especially if they have thorns.
Properties suffering from the effects of strong winds, making areas unusable, can benefit from the protection of a hedge. For the best possible protection, create a thick barrier by planting two rows for an extra thick hedge.
issues caused by noise, along with dust and dirt from busy roads and other sources can also be effectively managed with hedges which can filter sound and particles , preventing them from passing through. Many different types of wildlife can be encouraged into gardens to find protection and food in a hedge.
Consider your practical goals as well as aesthetic ones before buying plants for your project and keep in mind that maintenance should be an important factor in your decision. You will find that some plants demand far more maintenance than other varieties.
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