How Stryker Hip Lawsuit Can Help the Patients?

Stryker Corporation recalled its rejuvenate, ABG II and Accolade modular neck hip stems in 2012 as they were found to be defective and caused many severe side effects to the patients. A number of lawsuits were filed against the hip implant manufacturer and the cases for compensation got piled up.
In case you got a hip replacement with the implants manufactured by Stryker Corporation and you are facing complications with the surgery, or you lost a loved one because of the defective implants, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit against the company. The patients may look forward to certain symptoms in the earlier stages such as, irritation around the area of implant, difficulty in walking etc.
These symptoms are due to the friction caused in the metal during movement of the individual. Hip replacements always consist of a ball and a socket which helps the patient to move around. Over time the metal gets corroded and microscopic shavings of the metal is being shed during movement of the metal. These shavings get deposited in the nearby soft tissues and cause all the side effects. Some of the metal even mixes up with blood and the level of metal in the blood shoots up suddenly.
Patients are advised to consult their doctor for an opinion. X-rays often indicate the amount of metal corroded and the metal level in blood can be measured by blood sampling or MRI tests. One of the metals used in the implant is cobalt. Cobalt can have deadening consequences on a human body. It often impairs the eyesight or the hearing abilities of the person. Deposits of cobalt inside the body may lead to long term effects.
The patient can take up a revision surgery if his / her doctor recommends it. Many factors are considered by the medical practitioner before arriving at this opinion. In case you are not sure about a second surgery, you can always get a second opinion from another medical practitioner.
Stryker corporation has failed to keep up their promise of better implants and the patients who were affect by this are numerous in number. Every patient has the right to file a claim for compensation against the Stryker Corporation. Consult your attorney or any specialized attorney in this field to sort out the problem.
You can file a claim for all your medical expenses caused due to the faulty implant which includes the revision surgery also. Compensation for the wages lost during the time of surgeries and compensation for damages and pain suffered by the patient can be filed. In case you lost your loved one due to the hip replacement surgery, you can also file the case on loss of consortium.
Make sure that you get a detailed description of the process from your attorney. The legal system analyses your Stryker hip lawsuit and the right compensation will be awarded.
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