How integrated learning systems for schools combat the loopholes of online learning

Posted by Lead School
Mar 21, 2022

In the last few years, the technological advancements made across sectors have been phenomenal, where no sector has been left untouched. The education sector has leapt as technology is being embraced by schools, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. A lot has been discussed and mulled over the past few years, but not much has been done.

Using technology is no more a TIER-1 city concept. Schools across the country are adopting it to sail through the crisis. However, is that enough? Is online learning going to train 21st-century kids who will be in jobs that do not even exist today? The answer, sadly, to this is no. To combat this situation, integrated systems for schools surfaced to combat the new-age issues. This system helps students with smart learning where a crisp curriculum combined with trained teachers prepare students for more than just the next academic session.

When a school deploys an integrated system, they make a conscious decision to give quality learning to their students. Online learning has not been seen in a good light for a very long time, and rightly so. Technology alone cannot make a difference in a child’s life. A system in place that takes care of all the school's administrative duties helps parents stay in touch with the teachers and vice versa whenever they want is required.


Smart school, the need?

Smart school ERP is the solution to the mayhem created in the education sector. This streamlines every function of the school and helps every stakeholder achieve daily functions with ease.

Whether it is fee payment, taking assessments or helping school owners run the school in a hybrid model, school ERP does it all. However, why did it take so long for the education sector to figure out the loopholes? Education has been a low experiment sector where novelty and innovations have been kept at bay. So when the pandemic jolted the sector, bringing it to a complete standstill, the stakeholders couldn’t help but notice the loopholes in the sector. Unwillingly they opted for online mediums to avoid any gaps in student learning. However, the online model is not very promising—it doesn’t guarantee results, doesn’t help students with a world-class curriculum, and doesn’t promise getting trained by proficient teachers.


To fight the challenges of online learning, integrated systems surfaced. Some of the benefits of the integrated system in education are:

·   ·        School functions get more efficient and less prone to errors

·       Insights on students, staff and faculty can be accessed with a click
·       Technology makes teaching easy with a streamlined curriculum and audio-visual resources
·       Student’s performance can be tracked, and learning gaps can be fixed on time
·       Student engagement increases as they learn from means beyond their textbooks
·       Students can access study material anytime and do not have to dread the consequences of missed lectures


A chance to build back stronger

The pandemic has given a chance to the sector to build back better. Now is when school authorities can let go of redundant practices and embrace new-age means to make an impact in student lives and prepare them for a future that’s extraordinarily fierce and competitive. The current crisis is a reminder that the education sector is not ready to withstand any crisis, and that’s why schools must pace up with time to avoid such failure in the future. The best thing about integrated school technology is that it can be deployed in any school irrespective of its size and stay relevant today. Schools in bigger cities have always had an edge, not any more! 
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