How Effectively Are You Running On A Treadmill?
A lot of us spend an hour or more on the treadmill and step out feeling tired yet satisfied with our workout. The sad part is, we do not realize that we have been running in the wrong way and have thus had an ineffective workout. Ensure that you are not one of them and read on to know the right way to work out effectively on a treadmill.
The following are what make an effective treadmill workout.
1. Always start with a warm-up. You will be surprised with the difference it makes to your session of running.
2. Check the speed and the incline. Start slow and increase as you go. Do not use a treadmill without knowing it like the back of your hand.
3. Do not jump off the treadmill once you have reached your goal. This can lead you to feel dizzy and even cause a drop in your heart rate and blood pressure. Ensure that you wind down slowly and do not end your workout without ten minutes of cooling down.
Running on a treadmill is just like running outdoors, but there are certain things that can influence us into doing things that lead to a bad workout. The following are some things you have to keep in mind when running on a treadmill.
1. The Position- And the very first thing that you have to check here is the position of your hands. Are you holding the rails? Then leave them, because the handrails are there for emergencies and for the aged, not for you to hold them as you run. Are you looking down? Well then, all you get to see are a pair of feet gliding, so look up to run in the right posture with your back straight.
2. The Landing- The way your feet land on the surface is very important when you are running on a treadmill. You need to ensure that you land on the ball of your foot and not on your entire foot. Also, you need to ensure that your toes are not pointing downwards. And last of all, avoid letting your heel touch the surface.
3. The Movement Of Your Legs- How high do you raise your feet when you are running on a treadmill? One of the major mistakes most treadmill runners make is not using their hamstring muscles enough. Your legs need to go in a circular motion with your knee reaching just below your hip.
4. Breathing- Huffing and puffing on a treadmill can lead to hyperventilation. Breathing is another thing you need to pay attention to when you are on a treadmill. Ensure that you inhale and exhale with deep breaths when you run, giving your body the right amount of oxygen in the process.
Check Out Treadmill Offers Online
You can have a look at the different treadmills brands online after deciding on the kind of treadmill you want, manual or motorized. So, if you have decided to get up and get active, this is a good time with treadmill offers online so you can get a treadmill at an affordable price.