How digital business card benefit modern business networking

Posted by Rahul Chaudhary
Sep 21, 2018

Your digital business card is a powerful tool to build connections and grow network. Use a smart digital business card app to make the most of your prospecting.

How digital business card befit the modern business networking

The business world is evolving digitally and so are its networking methods. Earlier, printed business cards were the fastest way of connecting with prospects. However, since the dawn of digital resources, networking has changed its shape with various digital ways such as social media marketing, content management system, and a digital business card that has become the industry standards for professionals.

Business cards have been in existence for years yet were never felt as a priority. However now, their transformation to digital versions has certainly made them a revolutionary concept – changing the way people have been looking at business cards. The digital business card is not just medium to stay connected, it’s more. Since these versions find a place in your all-time-companion smartphone, they are growing as a part of your routine. Given the fact, digital cards offer more space than printed cards, you’ve got more chances to personalize your card.

Digital business card – the new face of networking!

Just like other facets, business prospecting is also revolutionizing. A smart digital business card like IDENCARD help entrepreneurs and other professionals mushroom their business connections the world over within days. These apps are fast, secure, and feature-rich to provide amazing ways for professionals to catch up on their business leads in a secure way. Creating and sharing business cards digitally is certainly a great way to save trees that are destroyed to make paper for printed cards.

Breaking the bondage of age-old printed cards, these digital versions make it more convenient for professionals to expand their reach to their prospects globally. No need to travel and meet a client in person to exchange your business card just as you were doing till now with printed cards. You are sitting in your cabin or traveling to home, simply share your digital business card across the globe via your preferred chat or email client. Even if the person on the other end doesn’t have the app on their smartphone, they will receive your card.

How digital business cards fill in for their paper counterparts

Physical business cards are not against the trend but they take time to get designed and printed. And then, if you need to make changes to your business info like contact details, the entire existing stock gets outdated. You’ll again move through the entire rebranding and get ready your new stock. In the meanwhile, your prospecting has to suffer.

This isn’t the case with digital cards. A smart digital business card app makes it a matter of minutes to prepare and share your digital business card app. You don’t have to wait long and spend anything. These apps are free and since you’re using them on major smartphones like iPhone and Android, you get an extended reach to people around the globe.

One of the most convenient features of a digital business card app is that you can update your details in real time. The meaning is simple. You make changes to your info and your card will be updated automatically on your connections’ list then and there. That saves a lot of nuisance in contacting your clients just to inform them about your info update or get a new stock ready and wait.

And then there’s social media compatibility! Truly, this is the beauty of digital cards. You can add clickable links to your social accounts like LinkedIn and Facebook. This helps your prospects take a better look at your professional side and make your digital card more personal. With an active social media profile link, you can leverage popular social platforms for their best.

This is certainly amazing! You’re saving trees, saving your time, doing it all more conveniently than before, and being more productive. The power of digital cards doubles when you use it in combination with the physical reminders of prospecting.

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