How Can You Heal Your Seven Chakras?

Posted by Tyler P.
Mar 3, 2020
According to yogic tradition, our body is comprised of seven wheels, or chakras, known to maintain the body’s energy flow. There are times when these chakras are blocked due to several physical or mental reasons. Your physical, mental, and spiritual being can suffer from the consequences of blocked chakras. Therefore, it is essential to get your chakras moving.  

It is highly imperative to keep the energy flowing in your chakras. People generally buy healing jewelry to get the chakras into motion. People also use sage sticks to ward off negativity from their life, which can also affect your chakras. It would be best if you searched where to buy sage sticks near me to get these powerful smudge sticks. There are plenty of ways through which you can heal your chakras. Each chakra is associated with a body part, whose function can be disturbed by a blockage. Your body will give you signs that you have a blocked chakra. You need to remain vigilant to those signs and heal your chakras as needed. 

How to Keep the Energy Flowing in The Chakras?
When the energy is stuck in any of the chakras, you need to restore the flow by healing them. Take a look at some things you can do in your life to heal each chakra. 

1st Chakra (The Root)
This chakra is associated with the earth. So, to heal the first chakra, you can walk barefoot on sand, grass, or dirt. It is also advised to eat healthy and wear accents of red.  

2nd Chakra (The Sacral)
The sacral chakra is related to water. So, you can engage in activities associated with water, like swimming, to heal this blocked chakra. Start eating orange fruits and vegetables as well.

3rd Chakra (The Solar Plexus)
Associated with fire, this particular chakra can be healed by being around the fire or soaking in the sunlight. To heal the third chakra, you need to eat yellow food items like banana, lemons, pineapple, etc.

4th Chakra (The Heart)
The fourth chakra is related to air and performing deep breathing exercises is beneficial when working on this chakra. Eat lots of green foods and wear shades of green. 

5th Chakra (The Throat)
The throat chakra is related to the ether, the spirit, so sitting under open space is an excellent way of healing. Bring blue food in your diet.  

6th Chakra (The Third Eye)
Associated with light, the 6th chakra can be healed by sitting still in the sunlight similar to the third chakra. Eat food that is in indigo color like purple kale, blackberries, etc. 

7th Chakra (The Crown)
The last chakra is associated with all the above elements, so you need to practice all the above-mentioned healing processes. This chakra cannot be nourished with nutrients, it needs spiritual practices instead such as meditation. 

The Bottom Line
The seven chakras in your body need to remain in motion to keep your body functioning properly. Each chakra has an association with a body part that determines its function. Blockages can hamper the function of those body parts. Hence, it is crucial to follow these healing practices.   The above mentioned were some of the ideal ways to heal each chakra and keep their energies flowing.
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