How can smart schools ensure non-disruptive learning for students?

Posted by Lead School
Jan 20, 2022

The education industry is not the same. Online learning has finally gained momentum in the country and is no longer considered a ‘luxury’. Many online integrated learning platforms via cutting-edge technology have made technology penetration easier in schools. Gone are the days when technology was restricted to schools only in bigger cities. Now schools, located even in remote areas, have the privilege to run smoothly via the integrated management system. These systems have revolutionised learning and made the functioning of schools non-disruptive. During the ongoing times, it became harrowing for the school management to shuffle between online/offline mode where students suffer a great deal; however, smart schools solved this problem.

Though there are various advantages of smart schools, a few notable ones are:

  • Quality resources to students to learn from
  • Ample tools and resources to teachers to conduct their lectures online of offline
  •  Allows schools owners to run the school smoothly
  • Involves parents in the academic journey of their child
  • Make it fun and exciting for students 

Also, smart schools offer virtual classrooms that solve the problem of disrupted learning. However, the best virtual classroom is the one that will give opportunities to students to help them learn beyond their textbooks. It gives students a chance for collaborative learning, which keeps the engagement high; it also allows students to participate in national competitions and championships where they get to learn from other students and hone traits such as sportsmanship, collaboration, etc.— not to mention the national exposure that they will get. Even when the schools remain shut, smart classrooms ensure that the student learning does not stop and keep learning where they are. For his reason, smart schools offer recorded and live lectures to students, help teachers and parents identify any learning gaps, and help them fix them on time.

The ongoing times have made it extremely difficult for every stakeholder to perform their duties efficiently. That is why the best kind of virtual classroom will provide a dedicated app to every stakeholder where they will be able to conduct their duties too with the least manual intervention. All their functions can be done in a click and that too error-free.

Quality of education is ensured with smart schools

The school management and parents have been worried about the quality of education that’s been given to the students during these times. Smart schools ensure quality learning when teachers are trained in using advanced tech tools that make learning easy. They also help them conduct classes using various engaging resources beyond their textbooks to ensure students grasp every concept properly before moving on to the next.

They say ‘desperate times need desperate measures and hence its time that we look beyond the conventional walls of the schools to deliver education to students and make the environment conducive for learning. Smart schools are the only answer to the new-age problems.

The ongoing times have allowed the stakeholders to look beyond the traditional education framework and experiment with new ways. Technology that’s user-friendly and can be deployed across all school departments is the need of the hour. A few brands in the ed-tech space have given a breather to the entire fraternity as it makes school functioning very easy. Whether it’s the qualm of the school owners about how to increase enrollment in their schools, parents' questions about monitoring their child learning in real-time or teachers struggling to make online education impactful, the integrated learning system has addressed all.

Let’s make the education sector better by leaving behind all its myths. No country can progress until it’s in sync with time. In this case, technology is needed in all businesses to build a robust model, and the education industry must not be left behind. 
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