How can AI Training Datasets help blind people to see Real Life views?

Jan 7, 2022

In how many domains can AI be powerful? Artificial Intelligence can give eyes to a visually impaired person. What miracle can be more extraordinary than that? In my opinion, there's none!

AI helps in the upbringing of new life-changing technology to help several visually impaired people all over the globe. Recently, AI has been used by various companies to provide envision. Here, we are going to discuss a few of them.


OrCam is an Israel-based service. OrCam works on harnessing the power of artificial vision by incorporating pioneering technology into a wearable platform. This platform results in improving the lives of individuals who are visually impaired. Under OrCam, MyEye has been working. It is a revolutionary voice-activated device that attaches to virtually any pair of glasses. It works magnificently. It is capable of instantly reading the text from any source. It also helps in facial recognition as it is based on high-quality image datasets. This way, you can live a more independent life.

Be it reading a book, or directing the device through voice command, or recognizing an image approaching, OrCam's next-level feature is ready to offer. The company is focused on making Artificial Intelligence intuitive and applicable in real-time to improve living or those with various impairments.

MyEye has proven to be the world’s most advanced wearable assistive technology device. It is made for those who are blind or visually impaired, translating the visual world into audio to help them better navigate the workplace, educational setting, and inside and outside of the home with increased independence.

Google Glass

Google Glass has not made the perfect impression when it first came out years ago. But, the concept of a glasses-sized computer with a small screen, camera, and speaker had promise, particularly for specific applications. Today, Visual Envision is debuting Envision Glasses, an AI-powered augmentation of Google Glass that can help visually impaired users to see their environments.

Envision Glasses are a complete solution, combining Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 with OCR and computer vision software to recognize what’s in the environment. Then, speak it out loud using Glass’ built-in speaker. Rather than holding up a smartphone and using its camera and software to read signs or identify people. We rely on the experience in Envision’s Android and iOS apps — the company has made the same AI technologies accessible from lightweight glasses frames, dramatically improving the real-world recognition experience for blind and low-vision users.

If we look at the text side, the software quickly and accurately identifies words in 60 languages, reading aloud everything from printed materials to computer screens and handwriting, regardless of the type of writing surface. AI Data Collection for creating Text Datasets is a must here. The data collected must be of high quality and must be processed through a quality check. The Glass can also find objects, recognize faces, detect colors, and describe scenes for the wearer. That collection of capabilities will enable users to interact with friends, independently use public transportation, and navigate their homes — all challenges for users with visual impairments. If a user prefers to have the Glasses speak directly in an ear rather than through the speaker, wired and Bluetooth wireless headphones are supported.

“Working with Google Glass’ technical specifications and build quality has been ideal for our development needs,” said Karthik Kannan, co-founder of Envision. “The level of support we’ve received from the Google Glass team has enabled us to replicate the fantastic user experience of the Envision app and deliver it in a seamless way that empowers blind and visually impaired people worldwide with a hands-free, easy way to ‘see’ the world around them through the spoken word.” 

The core hardware features are unchanged from the standard Glass Enterprise Edition 2, including eight-hour battery life, a side-mounted touchpad, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless hardware, and USB-C connectivity for power and wired headphones. Envision considers Glass’ screen to be redundant for our use case, relying on the headset’s camera, speaker, touchpad, and processor for users’ needs.

Be my eyes

It is a free mobile app that joins "blind and low-vision individuals with sighted volunteers and companies from all over the world through a live video call". This app facilitates the visually impaired to ask for assistance from sighted individuals whose job it is to assist them.

The CEO believed that the technology of video calls could be used to visually assist those who are blind. without them needing the help of friends and family.

They believe that As a blind or low-vision person, whenever you need visual assistance, our volunteers are happy to help. Through the live video call, you and a volunteer can communicate directly and solve a problem. The volunteer will help guide which direction to point your camera, what to focus on or when to turn on your torch."


It offers a range of assistive smartphone applications that use image recognition technology to make the lives of those with blindness or low-vision. It allows its users to scan and detect objects, such as soda cans, money, CDs, and many more.

There are many other facilities provided by various other companies. some of them are TapTapSee, Aipoly, Facebook Automatic Alternative Text, and Screen readers.

We work on six elements in collecting data for best Training Data for envisioning. These elements include Data Annotation for envisioning glasses, mark detection, text detection, visual research, object detection, Hologram authentication, and generation scanning and reading.

Our high expertise team provides a wide variety of services to make your life more beautiful and colourful than ever, All our AI Training Datasets are required to build envision glasses for visually impaired people. Our Team provides you with Computer Vision-based visual perception models with an advanced level of accuracy for object and human detection.

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